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Olympus was originally launched by a Core Team of six contributors. Per their vision, DAO leadership would eventually be delegated to leaders selected and ratified by the community. This proposal is to ratify a leadership group to drive vision and execution in the next phase for OlympusDAO.
The DAO structure has gone through several iterations with varying levels of success. Currently, the DAO's day-to-day execution is led by a group of department leaders known as Strategos. Olympus has accomplished a tremendous amount under the leadership of the initial Core Team and Strategos, yet it is undeniable that coordination, execution and communication have at times been lacking to the detriment of the community.
One particular pain point has been the absence of clearly delineated responsibilities and accountability for leadership. Furthermore, there has been confusion regarding leaders' roles and authority within the DAO. This has created coordination challenges, examples of which include:
Agreement on DAO-wide objectives, aligning departments to achieve those objectives, and holding teams accountable for delivering on commitments
Implementing fair and consistent approaches to contributor assessment and compensation
Providing guidance around how the community can contribute to the DAO’s success, including recommendations for setting up new working groups
Ratify a unified leadership team, composed of contributors across the Core and Stratego leadership groups. This unified leadership team is both accountable and has the authority to make strategic decisions on behalf of the DAO in service of the community. This team needs to have a tremendous amount of trust amongst themselves and a shared vision/working agreement on how they execute. The team will:
Drive prioritization and alignment across the DAO departments and working groups
Chart a path to further decentralized DAO governance and operations
Oversee the broader Olympus ecosystem
The unified leadership team will be structured in a Council model, comprised of 7 active members with distinct roles & responsibilities. The initial Council will be elected for a period of one year, with an evaluation at the 6-month mark where Strategos and Council members will vote for continuation or removal of individual Council members.
Proposed Council Tenure: 3/21/22 - 3/21/23, evaluation on 9/21/22
At a minimum, this leadership team will accomplish the following tasks:
Formulate structure for departments and working groups within the DAO that outlines the flow of communication and coordination of efforts.
Define scope of working proposals submitted to Council vote vs Stratego vote and provide clarity around responsibilities to reduce roadblocks.
Implement quarterly OKR and budgeting process across departments and working groups that helps align team activities and helps drive accountability for outcomes.
Amend OIP framework to include an objective summary, position from initiators, and position from council, to further educate and empower the community in governance voting decisions.
Implement framework to track approved OIP’s and their progress, amendments, and adherence to terms.
Specify a process by which future Council members can be selected directly by the DAO community.
This defines a clear set of expectations for the Council, which is responsible for vision (what to do), while giving Strategos autonomy for day-to-day management (how to accomplish the vision). The Council will communicate regularly and empower Strategos, who have become effective leaders within their domains of expertise, to act within their scope.
2022 DAO-Wide OKRS
To kickstart this process, the proposed Council members would like to define DAO-wide Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) that accelerate OlympusDAO's vision to become the reserve currency for crypto. There are four high-level goals for the DAO to achieve in the next year (by 3/21/23):
[DAO-WIDE 1] Grow Treasury: drive OHM’s use as trusted backing by growing Olympus treasury by 1.5x ($632 million Olympus Treasury vs. $421 million currently)
- Stretch Goal: 2x Treasury to $842 million
[DAO-WIDE 2] Increase Premium: increase premium to 50% higher than backing (0% premium currently)
Stretch Goal: Increase Premium to 100% higher than backing
[DAO-WIDE 3] Drive Adoption: drive OHM’s use as unit of account by increasing number of wallets holding OHM (200K wallets vs. 120K currently)
Stretch Goal: Increase wallets holding OHM to 300K wallets
[DAO-WIDE 4] Decentralize Operations: shift to transparent, autonomous operation with on-chain selection of leadership, voting for management of DAO funds and treasury. Removal of Treasury multi-sig.
Proposed Council Members
The unified leadership team will consist of Zeus and six DAO contributors who were nominated by Core Team and Strategos in March. The following leaders were nominated for their proven judgment, effectiveness, and diverse skill sets. The proposed initial council members are:
Apollo (3,3)
Key areas of proven impact in DAO to date:
Co-founded Olympus
General coordination of teams, structure management
Conflict resolution and facilitation
Strategy / Methodology
Proposed focus area and responsibilities:
Short-term strategy (1Y Legal / Reg)
DAO transition to full Autonomous Org
Policy overview
General Admin / Auditing / Reporting
Coordinating Marketing / Communication across DAO groups
Oversight of all MS
hOHMward bound
Key areas of proven impact in DAO to date:
Operations Stratego (along with Stefano)
Implementing systems for tracking of transactions, DAO tooling, and team members
Helping to facilitate communication between teams, departments, and working groups
Resolving blockers for various teams to create smooth workflow
Working with partners to develop systems that fit the needs of the DAO
Proposed focus area and responsibilities:
Facilitate communication of DAO progress with community and key stakeholders
Implement systems for DAO work processes and OIP tracking
Identify and resolve conflicts
Coach DAO leadership on development areas
Key areas of proven impact in DAO to date:
Lead smart contracts engineering
Point of contact for system architecture
Created Tyche contracts
Contributed heavily to v2 migration
Active member of research and development policy phalanx
Proposed focus area and responsibilities:
Help define architecture and scope for Olympus products and services
Identify strategic tech improvements
Engage external tech stakeholders
Maintain awareness of competitive landscape
Key areas of proven impact in DAO to date:
Olympus Core working group lead
Partnerships Stratego
Proteus project lead (now part of Partnerships)
Part of team that incubated Olympus Pro
Policy team member
Proposed focus area and responsibilities:
Translate long-term vision into near- and mid-term projects and achievable goals
Coordinate teams across the DAO to ensure proper allocation of resources and timely execution
Business development
Investor relations support
Key areas of proven impact in DAO to date:
Dune Dashboard
Led Data and Metrics team
Policy Stratego (along with abipup) since the DAO’s inception
Prudent use of DAO resources, both within Policy and approving project budgets
Proposed focus area and responsibilities:
Objective look at DAO budget, whether it is in line with value-delivered and industry standards
Overview of community-approved WG budgets, keeping the community’s best interest in mind, tracking WG OKRs/milestones, and providing proactive feedback regarding WG proposals
DAO Comp industry research - methods (w Tech Council member) & average
Oversee DAO cash flow / burn rate *distinct from Treasury cash flow
Monitor WG profitability, self-sustainability and true cost to the DAO
Work with Strategos to develop a robust allocation framework for contributors
Key areas of proven impact in DAO to date:
Community manager since launch, helped foster inclusivity and openness throughout the DAO
Involved in most aspects of the DAO, trying to be the "glue" between departments
Investor relations lead, including many funds, market makers, whales, etc.
Talent retention and expansion within the DAO
Currently building Artemis, educating developers to become aligned with Olympus vision and expand OHM utility
Proposed focus area and responsibilities:
Investor relations, overseeing continued efforts and outreach
Market-maker relations
Community and crisis communication
Internal alignment and conflict resolution
Zeus will will be the permanent 7th member of the Council and provide a deciding vote on 3-3 split decisions amongst other Council members.
Council to propose long-term incentives that align with DAO goals. Allocations will include vesting terms based on KPIs to align Council and DAO incentives, with details to be proposed in a separate OIP.
In the event of legal or regulatory proceedings against Council Members as a result of their involvement, the DAO will assist in the retention of legal representation and shall pay all legal fees and charges of counsel that Council Members directly or indirectly incur.
Council has the ability to vote on and approve urgent budget items for the DAO including but not limited to: tooling costs and contracted services.
TLDR: This proposal represents a stepping stone to a more decentralized way of selecting DAO leadership and a unified way of aligning direction across teams.
Polling Period
The polling process begins 3/21/22 and will end at 00:00 UTC on 3/24/22. After this, a Snapshot vote will be put up at 00:00 UTC on 3/25/22.
For: Ratify the Leadership Council proposed by Core Team and Strategos.
Against: Continue current leadership split between Core Team and Strategos.