tex I agree on urgency, and possibility of the process becoming a problem instead of a solution. But also would love to see clear specification of how Council will operate and report as asked by others above.
Once those agreed, could we phrase this proposal as Interim Council with 6+6 months mandate?
- In first 6 months Council would commit to develop and implement [DAO-WIDE 4] Decentralize Operations based on agreed approach
- If above implemented Interim Council mandate is extended for additional 6 months, if failed Strategos and Council members give their mandates for a vote to the wider community, by this time we should have Emergency Council ready to step in if needed.
- would suggest 3-month mark where Strategos and Council members will vote for continuation or removal of individual Council members.
- also it would be good to have a nominated mediator outside Strategos/Council that could handle disputes