I think this is good step.
Important however as clear from the docs:
"Olympus is run by OlympusDAO. […] Our eventual goal is to build an autonomous system at the protocol level"
It needs to be very clear what a purchase of OHM token represents. Rhetorically: If I acquire all OHM - what do I get?
The divisions you present, represent an internal structure similar to a corporation could have a NAFTA division, EMEA division, APAC division. Or it could have "Sales", "Operations", "Marketing" etc. The result and status of the individual entities are interesting, but quite irrelevant from external perspective.
The most relevant perspective is what the consolidated statements look like. Who cares if "operations" are negative -100 if "sales" is up "+150" … Same goes here. Until the day Olympus is 100% self-playing and autonomous, the music stops playing if the DAO assets are left at 0.
Therefore, I approve the division, but the representation on web Dashboard and Treasury Reports will become like navel gazing since they only provide a limited (sub-optimal) perspective. It should be made available for external parties, the consolidated statements.
So what DO I get if I acquire all OHM assets? I should get control and ownership of all the non-OHM assets regardless of which division is holding them. So that is the main data I care about as an external party.