
  • Joined Feb 1, 2022
  • Dropkickdarren Hmm, interesting,

    Maybe Council are delegated with upper responsibilities:

    1. Managing treasury and wallets
    2. Ethics, culture and process
    3. Strategic direction

    A steering committee with defined powers.

    Then leave the Strategos to lead the pillars within Core to use their industry experience.
    To develop the strategies with council advisory and ship it.

    Stratego -> Experienced in specific industry to lead people, product, ethics, process as defined by council principles.

  • While I love this idea, and agree in a streamlined leadership structure to fix up dao-related issues of timezones etc.
    I would expect and hope that a council should include or have a top down support of the importance of 'Product Design' of Olympus products and the expected finish of design quality in a site with financial instruments and investment.

    So, my thinking is, what makes up a successful company? From the Council list, who is best and qualified to look after the strategic decisions on User Experience: Customer Experience, Service Design, UX Copywriting and User Interface, if design cannot be at the upmost seat or represented, I would like to see a Council roadmap on the principles that holds 'product design' and quality of design in high regard and the principles and process be honoured by all.
    - Ethics
    - Process
    - Quality

    I am particularly not that fond of the current allocation structure weighting of design-driven value; I have polled on twitter seeing 64% of people see 'UXUI Design' as the single most important factor in investing on a DeFi site after they have done their research, this polled over all other areas of smart contract security etc. This allocation structure based on algo/VR/big data-driven tech companies in Silicon valley; design is not so forefront right now in those organisations as they grab into these emerging markets, yet I believe DeFi is and heavily reliant on experienced quality UXUI designers with industry knowledge, not easy to find.

    There are cultures in organisation structures that are weighted more to Product or Development; yet we should also shift this towards design over time.

    Why was Apple successful?
    They are a CX based company who innovates for users using design driven features and design-thinking processes.
    I would hope that in this council we can improve the standing of design within the Dao.

    • bubbidubb After Search we have filters; so definitely in play, one downside is we can't compare ROI across networks and requires a whole API layer. Not many providers do this so for now you filter on chain and like you said, we will introduce filtering soon for Olympus Pro.

    • Some good points, Hiding bonds that need refilling is not the right logic however one better potential use case is to interact with unfilled bonds. Simply removing visibility of a bond is not great; as you remove that future choice for someone browsing potential bonds. I also have some tricks up my sleeves for queueing… So even though Bonds may be temporarily unavailable… We can begin to create a chain of users interested or down paying for a future bond to arrive.