Hey all, happy to see the proposal and discussions on it.
Agree, 2 separate proposals may be prudent. I will echo Tex's points that such a DAO leadership team is very much needed, and this is a step in the right direction. I am really thankful that the Strategos and Core team elected me for the position, but also would support another proposal for electing council members if that is what the ohmies want. With that said, having worked closely with all of the other elected members, I am more than confident in their judgement, character, and their dedication to the success of this project. I would be happy to vouch for all of them in a re-election, even with myself excluded. I would also say there are plenty of other great individuals in the DAO who could serve this role. We really are spoiled with the awesome people we have in this organization.
Addressing some concerns brought up, particularly from @m_j_r.
what do we do in a situation where the community has lost confidence or some bad actor has inflicted damage?
This is one of our primary goals for the future of Olympus. To decentralize the protocol and have a system minimally governed, and for situations where governance is needed, is purely the will of the community. In fact, bringing about this change in structure is the primary job of this proposed leadership structure. The members serve temporary positions, which should be re-elected (however often the community feels comfortable). I think this should be sufficient for this proposal, as I don't think the minute details of this kind of re-election need to be hashed out right now. This will be the job for the community and the DAO moving forward. I think at this point, there is dysfunction that needs to be addressed before we can tackle details like this. There has to be a trade-off where we trust the elected members to execute and bring about this kind of change, held accountable by the community.
Does the DAO provide a platform where the community can voice their concerns and vote transparently in a way that is append-only?
This will hopefully be alleviated a bit with on-chain governance. This is a huge focus for this year, and we in the DAO are exploring ways to reduce the risks of this kind of misuse of power. Having this large of a treasury is a huge honeypot for malicious actors. Zeus has some cool proposals coming up to address some of these concerns. Bringing about this system is one of my main goals.
I believe we should pursue the creation of an analogue to the Curve "Emergency DAO" as another form of capture resistance.
100% agreed. I love the nope DAOs forming around defi and I foresee us going this route as well. But I think this is past the scope of this proposal.