Lots of good discussion here, going to respond to some of the top discussion points in separate comments. Just a disclaimer that the following are my personal opinions on the topic:
EdgeCaser re: two proposals for structure and nominations
I want to preface this by saying that I agree to an extent, but on a longer time horizon. I think that reforming the leadership structure is important and urgent, while democratizing nominations is important but not urgent. This proposal is not an end state, but a step in the right direction. One of the deliverables is specifically charting a course to the destination of on-chain governance. To channel Vitalik (reference post here), the ideal DAO structure imo consists of "multifactorial consensus", with this proposal being for the roadmap (ie. the set of ideas broadcasted earlier on in the project's history about the direction the project would be going).
Given the above, I feel strongly that it is not desirable or in the best interest of working groups to conduct Council nominations via token voting at this point in time. This will create a political spectacle that would be more of a distraction, open up nominations to issues like collusion, and create division for the DAO as nominees jockey for power. The nominations amongst Strategos and Core Team already experienced some of this in a much milder form. It is also not my understanding that token holdings are the best proxy for selecting leaders, given there is not much insight into the current operational side of Olympus leadership, an issue that I hope this Council remedies.
I would suggest token holders who disagree with that assessment vote "No" on the proposal. Most proposals are path-dependent and can be broken down into many sub-decisions whose impacts ripple forward in time. My hope is that this initial Council gives more transparency into roadmap decisions and primes the community for on-chain selection of members. The assessment earmarked for September should provide a model for how we conduct assessments and nominations to inform the future state of elections via on-chain governance.