Stratoshi_Styles hey fren, I feel like you are off on a multitude of points but let me provide my point of view for what it's worth.
- You are not the first raising concerns about comp, which is why this proposal got launched. There were very critical members in the DAO server before you and all of them made us better along the way. In that light you are a very valuable contributor to the DAO as well. Nobody wants an echo chamber and we surely do not intend to fill our own pockets just because.
- Everyone who wants to contribute and gets after it will find work and will get compensated relative to efforts of the other DAO members. There are no ranks and no hidden benefits for privileged individuals. Never has been. Never will be. I am personally one of the people who will make sure that this particular fairness will prevail because in that regard you and I may be very similar. The way it works is that every door is open. All that matters is "proof of work" in the DAO. The reason for OG members is because these people show up every single day, for months. And so anyone has the same chances to become an OG as well if they put in the hours like anyone else in fact does. The only barrier of entry within the DAO is the individual decision to show up and get shit done.
- Towards transparency, reading your message it seems you did not see the link to the google sheet tracking all expenses and allocations. Once again for you, please see our google sheet. A lot of what happens is being made transparent. If you feel like this is not good enough you are welcome to join the DAO and get your own hands dirty so that we together become better again.
- Now what engineering does. A lot happens in Github. See 29 engineers are at least visible but these are not all and not all work all the time equally. Usually you have to account for 150k per engineer per year. And then this is only engineering without product managers, designers, scrum masters, you name it. Some repos are even private in Github, for reasons. So for once there are integrations and data solutions that have to be worked on in the backend and in the frontend. One of these integrations is with Pool Together which will launch the next weeks. And so this is only one of our initiatives. These kind of integrations are all about smart contract engineering and UI/website changes. Data solutions include things like The Graph nodes which are required to work with relevant data in the frontends. And then we have the Dune Dashboards the community and e.g. the policy team uses heavily on a daily basis. Just mentioning the data teams here since this is similar engineering effort in my head. Then, you may have noticed that our frontends continuously get better. The reason is people work on it all the time. Oh and let's not forget anything related to security audits for our contracts where auditing firms and whitehats help us deliver bullet proof technology. Further, we have Olympus Pro in the works which requires similar engineering and security efforts in the frontend and backend alone for engineering. There are also reasons why certain business intelligence is kept private until launch. Everyone has the same problem, technology is expensive to operate fren and its complexity has to be mastered. I spare you more details in here but please hit me up in Discord to go over more if you want to.
- We are so early it is unbelievable. Anyone can still become an OG themselves and acquire massive voting power if they want to. The thing is just that most people have their own plans and we often see how individuals move on to chase another pump. Just like you proclaimed to take profit and sell your own skin in the game and voting power. I mean, more power to you fren. Just, in my eyes you sell the future and the world of us versus them you create for yourself is not the world I want to live in. DeFi is an open ecosystem that provides equal participation. All it takes is the individual decision. Therefore I think it is not fair to argue against the people who have massively skin in the game, because they earn it. The point being, anyone can earn the same. It is only the difference of the point in time at which every individual may start out.
- The APY was not nuked twice a month. OIP-11 launched in June, knowing this was just the beginning of our transformation. OIP-18 finally launched in August with a framework so that everyone knows what direction we go. This transparency was especially important to me personally. We will continue to adjust the system and at least the future of our reward rate should be a bit more certain by now.
Hope that provides a bit of perspective to the conversation. Anyone wanting to talk more about specific things feel free to reach out any time. I love all my ohmies.