Skeptical until we are able to see who gets paid and for what exactly. Just saying which team gets what percentage of the pie doesn't cut it. What exactly did that team accomplish to get that $$? What did each member contribute to justify their share?. Give us a way to see what is being accomplished each week to justify the paycheck so we nobodys can hold you bigwigs accountable. Or not, it's really up to you guys; my vote has no impact..
OIP-21: DAO Budget Increase + Milestone Framework
joejoebiggums All for more transparency - but there ain't no big wigs in the DAO - join the server and see for yourself
joejoebiggums We release weekly updates in the DAO's Notion page about accomplishments from each team, upcoming events, and any roadblocks. These get released every Friday btw. Does this help at all?
tex why hidden on the dao server? why do i have to register and log in to view? why not publish with announcement on main discord with no barriers to view for all to see? making it hard to find and view and burying it for what reason?
Mark11 by bigwigs i mean the 1 thru 5 percenters that run things and push anything they want thru when time comes for a snapshot. I lurk on the server you guys are there…
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Fren if you were actually on the DAO server you would see that no one could describe me as a big wig - for real this time jump on stick up you hand - do some work - get some comp.
You can also jump on the notion pages to check what work everyone is doing - maybe you can copy it into a report and publish in the main Discord - the DAO would no doubt pay you for that!
tex The notion page for weekly accomplishments is a start but needs some work. First thing, how about a link to it in the main server every Friday when it's released. Next, let's see how much these teams earned for these bullet points, at least in total for the week. Let's see numbers and accomplishments on the same page, all in one place. Next, explain anomalies. For example, on the Aug 13 -19 report in the engineering section there is just a blank bullet point for each of the 3 sections accomplishments, upcoming activities and roadblocks/concerns. Two members are listed as contributors to this (is unclear if this is the whole engineering team or just the managers/supervisors of it). Did the engineering team do anything that week or not? Did they get paid for that week? If so why if they made no reportable progress? If not, why? They had nothing to work on? Were they on vacation, were they sick, or did they just fail to accomplish anything and we'll see twice the normal accomplishments next week? At least say why they did not have even a single bullet point to report.
Then besides the notion accomplishment blips, where can we find more info about how they pay is actually being doled out. Who specifically is being paid and for what? Are dao members being paid by the job? By the hour? By position? Just for being in the club? How many chiefs do we really have compared to the number of indians? Who decides if a job is done well enough to merit pay? How is the amount of pay per job or for each position determined? What if someone half-asses their project, do they still get a paycheck? These are just a few questions a casual observer might have if they were worried about the coffers being looted from within.
Overall, it is what is. This is like when (in the US) congress takes a vote on whether or not to give themselves a pay increase: The yays always have it and because it was Congress that passed the legislation it must be the will of the people…
Last question: What happens when you guys pass this proposal and then 36% of the dao members still feel underpaid?
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You have a point ser
On the other hand the 1 to 5% are the reason we are all here.
Keep that in mind.
Oh you can always buy their bags and become the 1 to 5% yourself.
I'm not sure what are you mad about fren but that's that.
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When we pass this proposal and 36% of members still feel underpaid ??
We raise it again Genius !!! Until they don't feel underpaid because they should NOT feel underpaid period. C'mon now.
C'mon now you come off as this owner of fairness maybe get some of this "forum" passion and bring it to the DAO instead so you can help OUR bags like all DAO members have so far.
It's so despicable the way you come off ser
It's uneducated it's rude and totally uncalled for.
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joejoebiggums So I think you have a good idea about linking the weekly progress reports in the main server on Fridays. I was actually pinging the DAO server with these updates but didn't really get much feedback on it. To your point about weekly earnings and accomplishments, I think this goes to some of the discussions we've had within the DAO about project-based compensation vs. team-based compensation. Assigning an earnings amount to each action would drastically increase the overhead of running our current teams and would likely turn into a job on its own… I get the sense this is not a job position that you would support. In any case, we would definitely welcome your expertise in budgeting to help us coordinate if you would like to join the DAO.
Also, in case you missed it there is an edit to the original forum post that has a link to the operating model that shows the amount budgeted for each team.