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Wow Ser.
What an incredibly ignorant post.
In so many ways.
It's disheartening even. So sad.
First of all @Jaws "shitposts" more than you are awake Ser.
So to me it would be reasonable that he feels underpaid (if he did) and we should definitely raise his pay (if possible/ reasonable) if he feels that way because he actually contributes to this DAO so much thru tweeter and "shitposting" and "memes" are a huge part of any DAO period.
On the other hand i haven't seen you doing anything for OUR bags smh
So that's that for starts.
I'll keep going….
In life; respect goes a long way. And the way you speak is disrespectful on itself and that's quite sad if I'm going to be honest and I will.
Your post is sad.
Full of misconceptions and LIES.
Absurd points made out of sheer ignorance.
it's just DUMB and it shows your lack of everything really but mainly understanding DAOs.
To your point that only the friends of high ranking members of the project can "get work" you could not be more wrong.
That's a bit of a loosers mentality tbh.
I know no one on this project. I bought in 2 months ago and have been staking….
I decided to contribute as much as i can as my position became too big and i thought I should get more involved duo to that. Wich I did.
After spending over 40 hours a week on discord for a couple of weeks helping Ohmies i was advise by others to fill out the sherpa form ; that by the way; was and is there for anyone who wanted to i wanna make that clear ANYONE. So I did. Hours later i was accepted as a sherpa and kept contributing to the DAO as much as possible.
I do not know ANYONE in this project. Period.
I bought in at $450 btw
I do not know ANYONE in crypto AT ALL.
I'm 100% alone in this space , and i don't speak with anyone about crypto besides on tweeter and discord.
To your point that founders could swing votes being a "Theater" well it's not "Theater" those are Facts they can and that goes to every Crypto or non crypto project ever. Newsflash. Good luck find a protocol that founders can't swing votes. And honestly it's just fair, they took the bigger risk they hold the bigger bags. Just buy their coins and you could do the same.
I could keep going….but I rather spend my time helping onboard new Ohmies so OUR fu***** bags benefit instead.
Sorry if i stepped out of line at any point , my apologies to all DAO contributors. It was not my intention but I'm very passionate about this amazing DAO that WE have. And this DAO that WE have means so much to me….i always saw @coopatroopa on tweeter telling people to get involved with the DAOs to participate instead of just buying a bag…. and I thought he was a bit full of shit…..he tweeted so much to get involved that I decided to try…..just to learn that i was the one full of it for thinking that I could not bring value to a DAO that I love so much, i and anyone most certainly can. Olympus DAO is actually the prove of that to me.
Cheers you all