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Introduce compensation for the Sherpas, who facilitate in making sure the new grasshoppers questions are answered, and overall make sure the server is in great shape.
The Sherpa Program was an initiative to help facilitate the process of new Ohmies coming into the server. They are highly knowledgeable, passionate individuals that answer questions about the protocol, and help keep peace in the channels. They're awesome people!
Including Mods, we have 20 Sherpas in total. Not every Sherpa is active (me included). We should compensate the Sherpas that have been consistently active and helping the Ohmies learn about Olympus.
I propose that the top active Sherpas get compensated 500 USD weekly for their efforts. As a guideline, we can do the top 25% of Sherpas, as those are the ones helping the server the most. A democratic process will be done within the groups of Sherpas and admin groups to start, but we may transition to a more publicly visible one in the future. We also want this to be an opt-in rather than opt-out system, as there are many Sherpas who don’t feel like they contributed enough to be compensated.
As the server increases in size, I also propose a general guideline in onboarding Sherpas. For every 2000 members, we should onboard a new Sherpa. This is not a maximum, but rather the minimum in order to ensure that we have a good Ohmie: Sherpa ratio. To onboard a new Sherpa, they would need to be nominated from another Sherpa, and pass a quiz with common questions a Sherpa gets on the daily.
Lastly, we must not forget about the users who help in telegram as well. As they are a smaller group of individuals, and it’s much more prone to bots and general spam, I’d like to allocate each of them a similar amount as well.
When the Sherpas were first created, the server was much smaller, and the Sherpas were made of a small group of individuals. These individuals eventually went to the DAO, and assisted in the development of Olympus. This causes a rotation of new Sherpas coming in to take in the place of older ones, with not as much experience nor insight. We now have over 47k ohmies in our discord, increasing every single day. I believe that we should shift towards a compensation model for the most active Sherpas who, without them, the server would not be an open and engaging place as it is today.
The allocation team can change as necessary, this is more of a temperature check and a wake-up call in what I think is best for the community
Lets start giving the Sherpas the credit they deserve!