an ohm-centric economy wont be built by waiting on the free market. if you want the market to denominate in, trade with, and build around ohm, you need the infrastructure and systems built around it. you need builders that are familiar with it. you need to connect the dots for the market to understand ohm, habituate using ohm, and see ohm as a path of least resistance (no pun intended).
we can decide that artemis is too tangential to olympus and wait for better grant proposals to come along to direct this funding. or we can risk this funding on some of the minds that are already contributing to the economy we envision, already have alignment with olympus, and will probably continue building this out at a slower rate even if we decide not to pass the grant.
the education each of us received in the past has shaped how we see the world and the opportunities we apply ourselves to. remember fork season? olympus (and arguably most of web3) suffers from poor education and ethics. projects that address these problems with responsible budgeting should absolutely be funded.