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sherpas have by far the most underrated and undercompensated role within the community. the olympus community has grown explosively and relies on knowledgeable and available sherpas to keep ohmies educated and help them feel like a part of the community.
i think there was hesitation to pay sherpas out of fear that their virtuous ideals might be stained, but we have consistently seen sherpas that are in the trenches every single day banning hundreds of bots, patiently answering the same questions, and directing new ohmies to the resources they need. Without intelligent and compassionate sherpas on the frontlines, the DAO would not be able to focus on building because the community would burn to the ground.
i think the more contentious issue is how great sherpas are fairly compensated. community vote? equal distribution with opt-out? coordinape style? tangible discord activity statistics?
Brian33 As the server increases in size, I also propose a general guideline in onboarding Sherpas. For every 2000 members, we should onboard a new Sherpa. This is not a maximum, but rather the minimum in order to ensure that we have a good Ohmie: Sherpa ratio. To onboard a new Sherpa, they would need to be nominated from another Sherpa, and pass a quiz with common questions a Sherpa gets on the daily.
we do need a framework that suggests a minimum sherpa ratio, and the sherpas themselves should allow for inactive sherpas to shift out while we make room for more active sherpas to take the mantle. we should keep in mind that to new community members, the sherpas look like a position of authority- by incentivizing this position, we heighten odds of bad actors abusing sherpa status for personal gain.
perhaps we could initiate a level system for sherpas using sherpa age/duration as an indicator for trust and compensation?