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Why would we halt bonds? In the February treasury report page 8, we can read that Olympus generated 21M USD revenues. 92% of the revenues came from bonds. Why would we shut that down? If shutting down is the way forward - whats the purpose of Olympus at all?
The way I look for health in Olympus is to look at revenue generation and RFV growth. Stop that, and what core do we have left?
Key for Olympus must be to generate activity, and be able to hold on to some crumbs off that generated activity. Turning off bonds appears to work the opposite direction. I dont get it.
Also, inverse bonds wont generate any buy pressure. Do your simulations. The people who will gain most from using inverse bonds are the whales who already hold the most OHMs. (Unless the assets intended for inverse bonds are subprime ofc) If high-quality assets are inverse bonded, then thank you for the exit liquidity. Smells like rug.
I am sorry, please detail the mechanics that motivate this proposal better. I am not familiar with the inner working of policy, so I may be limited and wrong. But given my current understanding, this proposal puts the protocol in a not-good light.
As mcap/RFV is coming to a historical low, the risk-level should be equally low for an investor. This *should *be the the most opportune time to sell bonds ever. Policy team keeps selling these 2-day term bonds, which does not remove any supply from the market. And they are expensive due to gas fees that need to be paid over and over every 2 days. These gas fees are not paid by bond buyers as it may seem. They are paid by Treasury in terms of higher cost of capital. V1 had a lot of gas fees cuz of linear vesting. V2 has a lot of gas fees because of shorter duration. Staking rebases and super short bond terms furthermore keeps investors/traders alert with their trigger fingers. If you want to remove supply, then strangle the staking yield, and shift that near-term capital to more long term bonds. Longer terms equalize the game. More money for Olympus, less to ethereum miners.