pottedmeat With what i understand, bonds are way to build the treasure by locking in stables. Incentive for locking the stables is the emissions. With no bonds i feel the treasury is impacted a very big way.
Why no bonds is still something not good to me. Earlier there used to so many pairs which could be bonded. Right after the V2 upgrade bonding capacities disappeared.
With no provision to bond how can we know if there is demand for bonds. With Olympus Pro people are bonding. Infact the bonding capacity is continuing to increase. Based on the growth exhibited by Olympus Pro, i feel demand for bonds are still there and i fell we are missing out on it.
If bonds are not used then what will bring value to the treasury similar to the way bonds could do. I dont know if there are other ways already present in the protocol. If it there please point me towards it.
My intention is not to say something is wrong with the protocol. I am trying to convey my point that something needs to be done very quickly to bring value into the treasury.