are mainnet contracts able to be deployed to arbitrum with no/minimal extra auditing or code changes?

  • Zeus replied to this.

    Why not Optimism? Still considered not mature? It is also supported by HOP protocol for fast exit.
    As for rate, if nobody bond for 8hrs, what's the rebase? Does this mean that on L2 we could have less rebase rate but more bond discount? thx!

      Really interested in how rewards are going to behave and looking foward for the lower transaction fees!

      OK so I see the biggest point here is about the variable rate calculations. That almost requires an entire discussion in itself. Might need an AMA just on this topic. In the other hand, experimenting with layer 2 is wise. Eth gas prices is getting ridiculous.

      • Zeus replied to this.

        qwercus getting peer reviewed but 99% of the code is the same

        Vanadio I believe, and hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong, you have to be whitelisted to deploy on Optimism right now.

        Look forward to the AMA to understand variable rates a bit more in depth, but I think being at the forefront of L2 is smart in order to keep momentum with folks priced out of access due to increasing gas fees.

        For: Experiment with variable rate.

        For: Stake early claim (be present) on promising L2's as the liquidity provider of choice.

        Against: 1 week time bridge. Why is this not a joke?? I can fly New York-Tokyo T/R 15 times and Arbitrum cannot move my money in/out even once in that time span? Add on 5 days of bonding, we have 5+7 days = 12 days to reach home. 😂

        Wild idea: if we are to split across chains - can we not attack this time problem and become the preferred bridge since we already have a time lock in place and cautious "drips"? I mean, let me choose on what chain I want my redeems to arrive. That would cut the 12 days to 5 days. Better than Arbitrum's own bridge and EVERYONE would use OHM to move between chains.

        I will vote yes.. But yeah - I think its just absolutely horrendous to have this kind of ancient time delay when it comes to currency transfers.

          Hey Sers, Olympus team, continues to b 'ahead of the curve'…Arbitrum L2 is moving very fast from what Tyler presented on Chico, (I have bridged some ETH to ape in a bit, and farm)…

          Not surprised this deployment of Olympus pool to Arbitrum is already being considered by Olympus!! (I wish I knew more, but I'm grateful to come along for the ride) 🙏

          PS: Imho, I don't think those OHMies willing to 'stake-long', will be bothered by the one week 'waiting-period' to bridge back(?)

            EdsMaDawg Sorry but I do care. I am long-term balls deep with OHM.. I dipped my toes into Matic and their 5 hours bridge is a total cringe. Torture me, but I dont want to ever drop my cash into a dungeon L2 hole again with somebody else holding the keys. Its my money. My keys. Nobody should sit and peddle with my money when I need it. We used to complain about 2 day bank transfers. Now we are introducing 5-7 day crypto transfers… doh ..

            I still vote yes though on this proposal. But this time-lock is a big thing. 5 days idle in a bridge equals our current staking ROI - what is it 5-7% loss from no interest, only dilution.

              Small concern I have: the Arbitrum (Arbi) bridge currently takes 10 minutes L1 -> L2, but takes 7 days to go back from L2 to L1. This would mean there is no meaningful way to arbitrage between the price of OHM on mainnet and Arbi. Is that a concern for the Olympus team? Theoretically there is no issue if the price of OHM on each network deviates but I could see that being bad PR/requiring explanation for those unfamiliar with what's going on.

              Would it be better to create a sister token specific to Arbi in order to resolve this issue?

              Very much support this. I'm looking forward to finally being able to bond with low gas fees. It will be interesting to see how variable interest plays out, but I'm willing to experiment.

              @bubbidubb Hey Ohmie, I definitely feel your frustration, I'm right there with you, but that's just how Optimistic roll-ups work. ZK-rollups will fix this, but until then, this is our life:/

              …However, that's an interesting idea you present about Olympus providing a bridge, like Hop Protocol, but just for OHM. It would have it's own set of trade-offs and risks, but maybe worth exploring.

              EdsMaDawg "PS: Imho, I don't think those OHMies willing to 'stake-long', will be bothered by the one week 'waiting-period' to bridge back(?) "

              I totally agree on this, OHMie.

              maxwellington hey bros , you can use celer's bridge to transfer your asset so that you can withdraw back mainnet in a few minutes

              Exciting! Actually wouldn't mind an experiment with variable yield. But I'd also definitely would love to hear the team expand on the choice for it or what they hope to achieve. So I'll refrain from voting until after the AMA.

              I may have missed it but can L1 stakers bridge their sOhm to Arbitrum and stake in the L2 contract? Just wanted to make sure. Short term there might not be much use case but once Abra/Fuse are on L2, there definitely will be!

              Zeus Cheers. Would love to learn more about it!

              @Zeus definitely for the experiment, but a bit unclear how big of a problem missing arbitrage opportunities could be. With a 7-day lag we could see price divergence between L1 and L2 OHM.