EdsMaDawg "PS: Imho, I don't think those OHMies willing to 'stake-long', will be bothered by the one week 'waiting-period' to bridge back(?) "

I totally agree on this, OHMie.

maxwellington hey bros , you can use celer's bridge to transfer your asset so that you can withdraw back mainnet in a few minutes

Exciting! Actually wouldn't mind an experiment with variable yield. But I'd also definitely would love to hear the team expand on the choice for it or what they hope to achieve. So I'll refrain from voting until after the AMA.

I may have missed it but can L1 stakers bridge their sOhm to Arbitrum and stake in the L2 contract? Just wanted to make sure. Short term there might not be much use case but once Abra/Fuse are on L2, there definitely will be!

Zeus Cheers. Would love to learn more about it!

@Zeus definitely for the experiment, but a bit unclear how big of a problem missing arbitrage opportunities could be. With a 7-day lag we could see price divergence between L1 and L2 OHM.

Wonderful, let's make OHM available everywhere! Will it be possible for us to bridge either OHM or sOHM? Any idea if Zapper will allow us to for example zap DAI directly to the Sushi Pool on arbitrum?

I’ll bridge to arbitrum just for the ohm.

surely a necessary move …

[and on a side note it seems a little twisted how reaching out to connect to other fields/layers is really: expanding your own moat …]

Just some FYI catches from googling on Arbitrum below…

The Essential Guide to Arbitrum - by Ben Giove - Bankless (banklesshq.com)
the Arbitrum team can modify many of the key contracts within the system using a proxy contract that is controlled by a single private key (Unclear who is in possession of this key and how it is managed).

Arbitrum – L2BEAT

  • ProxyAdmin 0x171a…d7c4

    Through this contract that controls upgrades for most other contracts. It is owned by a single private key.

  • ProxyAdmin (2) 0x9aD4…0aDa

    This is a different proxy admin for the three contracts below. It is also owned by a single private key.

Uniswap | Uniswap on Arbitrum (Alpha launch)!

Please treat this as an early alpha product! As a new piece of software, the Arbitrum network is still in need of rigorous battletesting, as Offchain Labs has noted. At launch, the Arbitrum team will have upgrade rights over the bridge contract, allowing them to address any issues that may arise.

Im just wondering why was Arbitrum chosen over Matic? Matic ecosystem is expanding by leaps and bounds. They are collaborating with new projects almost daily. Using Biconomy's Hyphen platform cross chain transfers between polygon and Eth are currently 5 minutes https://hyphen-info.biconomy.io/. click the link to check the current transfer times. The cost to transfer through hyphen is a heck of a lot cheaper too. I use the polygon network to do everything that most would do on eth network. From my experience its basically the same as eth except way faster and almost gasless. So if someone could explain the pros and cons of choosing Arbitrum over Matic please feel free to do so.

    Even though there were many exciting OIPs, this one just takes it all.

    This would be an interesting experiment which brings (3,3), or perhaps more accurately (4,4) to a whole new level. I am certain that Olympus will attract many new users & wake up some older users and remind them that they can be active market participants via bonds. But most importantly, deploying on Arbitrum will help us gain more insight into Olympus on a potentially cross-chain future!

    As a limited capital ohmie I fully support any solution that would help reduce ETH gas prices. Because I cannot afford to make very large investments ETH gas takes up a substantial chunk of my investment (probably >5-10% of my initial investment)

    I think this could really help ohmies that believe in Olympus to get into the platform without having to pay prohibitively expensive gas fees—a strong benefit for lower capital investors.

    I do have to questions though:

    1. Why Arbitrum and not another alternative? I have nothing against the platform, but I was just wondering why that was selected over several other Ethereum Layer 2 solutions (like Polygon etc.)
    2. For the variable rate on Arbitrum how can we calculate our estimated yield? Not against it, but it would be unfortunate for it to be significantly lower than the Ethereum staking for OHM a majority of the time due to the variable late.

    For newer ohmies (and perhaps even veteran ohmies), what does $3.4m represent compared to the overall treasury? My understanding is that 3.4m is a relatively small amount, but I'm not sure where to find that number. There is more risk in this play, but assuming the relative value is minor, that would be helpful to point out in the proposal. Thanks!

    If I'm understanding this correctly, current treasury is valued at ~141.9m so with 3.4m we would be putting 2.4% on Arbitrum?

    Great proposal, Arbitrum is great but have you guys considered Fantom? After trying out a couple of EVM compatible chains, FTM by far offered the smoothest experience. Fantom has:

    • 1 second confirms and finality. Negligible gas fees too of course.
    • Mature bridges that can transfer funds between ETH and FTM almost instantaneously (multichain.xyz, anyswap.exchange)
    • A recently announced$500m+ dev grant program that's bootstrapping a huge amount of projects and development. Olympus can easily secure over$ 5m extra funding for treasury just having over $10m TVL on FTM.
    • Andre Cronje is the lead consensus architect

    Zeus absolutely support this one…

    does that mean we can stake on Arbitrum just like we stake on ETH? fees are ridiculous right now and prohibit guppies from playing…if we can stake on Arb then this would open up a whole new field for small fry to play…

    bubbidubb Sorry to hear about all your troubles, sounds hard…

    I’ve had some shitty experiences with DeFi, bridges, scams etc, (such is DeFi n’est pas)…

    All extraneous factors considered and in the context of Zeus’s post above, I feel we are in agreement on the vote. Progress not perfection, I trust the team having positive-developmental reasons for this proposal, which is to always serve the betterment of the DAO, and all OHMies…

    Thanks for your reply 🙂