Even while Olympus was in billions, we were always proud to say that the goal was always to automate the protocol as much as possible and to reduce the human touch needed to maintain the core functions. This conclusion isn't what everybody hoped for, or what everybody agreed on, but nevertheless the vote had passed. I hope this energy can be devoted to accepting the cooler reality and finding a new edge for OHM, rather than lamenting on the could've/would've.
Aside the treasury activities, which are always, to some extent, in contrast with the goal of maintaining low volatility, Olympus lost its ability to scale; and from my perspective, before we could hope that the flywheel starts spinning again, the network size (market cap) needs to continue to draw down.
As for the objective of this RFC, I don't find that it's worth anyone's while as jala, hohmward, apollo, shadow, indigo and wartull have always done a terrific job at voicing the position of the DAO and representing Olympus in a broader sense.