This needs much more discussion and consideration than it's being given. It seems very rush and sudden as if all the OG whales that make up the majority of the policy team have abruptly decided (again) that their bags have grown large enough that it's time (again) to focus on the price per Ohm so the rich can continue to get richer. Insanely high inflation was cool when those OGs had tiny stacks but now that they have massive fatty bags inflation is now suddenly a bad thing and needs to be addressed right now. I will agree that inflation is a problem but it's baked into to the protocol's design and it's what got literally all of us into this project in the first place. The bigger problem is the concentration of wealth (and voting power) that has been created by the compound interest inflation that Ohm's tokenomics is based on. And the real question is what: What exactly is the point of a "decentralized" reserve currency with the bulk of it's wealth and control concentrated in the hands of just a few?
That's just the world we live in though, right? Those that get in early are always going to benefit the most and those that get in last are always going to benefit the least, if they even benefit at all. Most social constructs and organizations boil down to a pyramid scheme of some sort. Most of us got in thinking we were early enough to get in on the party to see our investment grow substantially and have get to a place high enough on the pyramid to be able to dump on poor schmucks that showed up to the party later than we did. Maybe we were early enough, maybe not. It's hard to tell when the goalposts keep getting moved. I do think some sort of framework would be helpful to give investors an idea of what to expect in the future. This will help newcomers in doing their due diligence. The proposed framework is far too vague and the graph has a time axis with no units. Surely we can come up with an exact formula or algorithm to determine the reward rate at any point in time based on whatever inputs needed to be used. That way moving forward we don't have bunch of people feeling like the ladder is being pulled up or kicked out from beneath them..
Lastly, we can say this proposed change is up to the community all we want, but the truth is the top 3% or so can push anything they want through when it comes time for a snapshot. Oh well, it is what is and we shall see how this plays out…