Commenting on this and any other "it's not fair to new stakers who are in the red."
According to the gainz spreadsheet, the worst day someone could have bought in currently was Oct 26. Lets say they bought 100 ohm at $1,200, for an investment of $120k.
Today they would have rebased their way to 200 ohm, but at a price of 430, meaning their stack today is worth 86k. Ouch, right?
By next Halloween, looking at the (rebase will outpace volatility given a 365 day window), Even at a $ 300 price point, their stack would be worth 450k. Thats about a 4x increase, and saying that price goes down.
So any argument of what olympus 'owes' to its investors about promised gains. One, nothing was promised, two, no one is owed, and three, even voting to pass this oip which lowers APY a little sooner, people are still going to make incredible returns on their initial investment.
I say this as someone who bought at the end of october and is currently -25% on my investment here