To address some concerns here.
- You will be able to vote with gOHM
- The reward rate framework describes bounds, we could have been at the minimum reward rate since the start, that was to be proposed by the community (in this case the Policy team). I find it odd how people complain about this range now that we're at the end of it, but everyone was fine with it being at the highest reward rate the whole time?
- Please don't bring up the whole OG vs new people debate. What is good for one group is good for all, as has been proven every single time. Everyone has the same goal - maximizing value to OHM holders.
- "I entered at 2x the price" will always be true for someone. We cannot time it so that it's a perfect timing for all holders. That is why this framework exists, to align expectations and prepare people for a reward rate adjustment ahead of time. This shouldn't have been a surprise for anyone, it's been widely talked about.
I'm grateful for the debate here, as always when it comes to these proposals. Your voices have been heard, but if you scroll through the history of previous reward rate proposals it's always the same - "can we delay it a few more weeks", "I am down X% this is unfair", "this is a total surprise", "OGs…".
This is always a hard decision, but so far the Policy team has shown we have the best interest of every holder in mind, so with regards to the timing, we believe now is a good time to do it - wrap up the migration and reward rate adjustment and kick off 2022 on a positive note.