Balancer Pool implementation & LBP funding approval - request for comment
Honestly a very logical proposal. Fully support this and think this is much needed. The OHM in treasury needs to be used to fund such initiatives.
absolutely supporting it. Clear, detailed, and it makes sense.
Big fan of the Balancer LBP and White Whale held the first ever LBP token launch on Terra today. Its a great case of expanding OHM usage. Totally supportive!
As for the multisig, will the DAO be part of it? The recent AnubisDAO rug on Copper came to mind. If I remembered correctly, there was a multisig in place for the liquidity pool but at the very last minute during launch, due to some technical issues, the control of the liquidity pool was given to a single person and the rest was history. Would like to know in cases where Olympus is providing funding, we have mechanisms to prevent this?
Fantastic, love the integration with Balancer! Excited to see ohm help the ecosystem grow
Cannot wait for this to go live for a snapshot/governance vote
yes pls
Definitely support this!
Mark11 i do agree with the proposal but i have a question regards to the amount that will be returning to the OHM treasury in regards to the LP fee's earned. how much will balancer receive in LP fee and how much will OHM treasury receive in lp fee's ? seems OHM treasury should be receiving 50% of the LP fee's considering the ratio .
I like it!
That's a hundo percent thumbs up, ser.
Multisig with majority of "reputable" entities… kinda worries me… who defines reputable? why not have our DAO hold majority when we lend out?
Yes. Balancer is a good move. Very up only!
sounds good. do it
- Edited
Sounds like a good plan to me! It should grow the ecosystem.