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I think this proposal raises some fundamental questions for the DAO given that the DAO will be entering into binding agreements with third-parties, and the legal/procedural aspects of this are unclear.
My questions are:
1. Does Olympus have an traditional arm (foundation/offshoot) that handles legal agreements with third parties? Who is negotiating on behalf of DAO token holders?
2. If this entity exists, where is it domiciled?
3. Does the DAO have legal counsel operating on behalf of the DAO (through this legal entity)?
4. How are agreements like this handled at other DAOs, and what learnings can we take from these other agreements?
5. How will the DAO have recourse if the deal is not honored by GSR -- especially the terms around the strike price?
6. Are there methods for enforcing the terms of this agreement via a smart contract, even an escrow or earnest money deposit? If possible, we should be looking for decentralized mechanisms to manage agreements rather than traditional approaches.
Benefits/Drawbacks of Working With Market Makers
1. How does this agreement, and push to facilitate trading of OHM at CEXs, fit within Olympus' mandate to become the reserve currency of DeFi?
2. Will this agreement provide sufficient liquidity at CEXs that is worth the risk of providing GSR with the loan?
3. What can we expect from an additional liquidity perspective from this activity?
4. I've seen other DAO tokens, YFI listed on centralized exchanges (at very low liquidity levels) in the past, with presumably, no involvement from the DAO in these activities. Why should Olympus enter into this agreement as opposed to simply letting market makers and CEXs gather inventory on their own to market make and provide liquidity to CEXs?
GSR As a Partner
1. What is GSR offering as a partner that is superior/inferior to other options? What terms/etc were considered and rejected from other market makers?
2. Does GSR have experience working with other DAOs and what has this experience been like -- positive or negative?
3. Can GSR provide some references or third parties who can speak to their ability to work with other decentralized communities?
Side Note/Snark: Why isn't GSR refer to the community by its proper name: Ohmies? And what does it mean that GSR didn't get this basic fact right in developing/drafting the proposal? (It's a small thing, but calls into question their understanding of the culture and expectations of community members).
I hope these questions can be answered both in the forum and upcoming AMA.