Gm. Thanks for following up on the previous proposal and for sharing the audit details.
Removing the operator seems like it significantly reduces the complexity and overhead of the loan process. In the future if Olympus were to move away from DAI, would Cooler change what token the loans are extended in, perhaps to ETH? I know that ETH is more volatile, but it is good to be able to adjust as needed if the crypto landscape changes. How would this impact loans that are already outstanding? Just wait until they mature and then re-issue as a v2 market, or temporarily have two concurrent loan markets as the v1 market is sunset?
If there is a one year maximum but also a rollover this is essentially a perpetual loan, right? Do you envision gOHM collateral retaining voting power and if so do you see potential risks with essentially 9,9ing loans at the cost of the interest rate to obtain this governance power?
I agree that it makes sense to have users be able to take on the risk/reward. It sounds like there should be a dash showing data of total loan volume, number of participants, interest receivable, interest received, defaults, etc. Thank you for explaining the rationale behind the interest rate and where it winds up. Looking forward to the discussions around the proposed terms and next steps