
  • Oct 29, 2023
  • Joined Sep 30, 2021
  • If I understand correctly the aim here is to get a vote of confidence from the Olympus community and DAO as this will help econohmic labs raise its seed round. If that's correct it might be good to treat this introduction to the community like you would treat your first reach out to an investor:

    - Show us a pitch deck detailing traction, problem/solution, roadmap etc
    - Tell us who you are (just discord username would suffice)
    - Tell us why you are the team for doing this

    I understand you arnt asking for an investment of money but you are asking for public alignment so I personally think you need to show a bit more to get folks excited and backing your vision.

  • just plain no, it "sounds good" but we've heard good sounding proposals before(lobis), still have a bad taste from that… not now and definitely no "matching" funds from OHM… either buy OHM outright and proceed or forgetaboutit

    • Generally pro this request but would love some additional information. Do we have metrics on how many bugs have been submitted that would have fallen into this criteria and if so, what the estimated payout would have been?

      As the current proposal is greenfield, I would suggest that we place some sort of Fee Cap / Not to Exceed (Quarterly? Bi-annually? Annually?) such that we can budget around it.

      Otherwise, I'm in favor.

      • Really good questions so far and I’ll try to group them into a few categories:

        OP Contracts & Revenue
        • Tokens accrued via OP to-date will remain with the Olympus Treasury

        • Existing OP contracts will continue to be owned by Olympus and revenue generated will accrue to the Olympus Treasury

        Intellectual Property

        This has been a recurring topic in discussions prior to the RFC/OIP. I think it’s worth emphasizing the ethos of Olympus to-date has been aligned with the broader open source standard in Web3. With this context, the concerns around IP miss a lot of the reasons why value accrues to different projects.

        For example, is the fact that UniV3 hasn’t been successfully forked due to its “business source license” or its technical complexity? The OP team believes that OP’s moat has been a combination of relatively complex pricing mechanisms and the legitimacy conferred by our collaborative stance in the econOHMy. The new contract structure is more refined, which eliminates one of our moats.

        @Oighty expanded on this in the RFC, but it is unlikely that we will be able to maintain the existing 3.3% fee structure for OP. This directly impacts revenue generation and our ability to continue funding OP in-house. In the near future, development costs are likely to outpace revenue given broader market conditions.

        Legitimacy & Alignment

        Concerns about IP ultimately lead into the concept of legitimacy. There is a reason why most Olympus forks failed and we still exist. Legitimacy is also the reason why we’re seeking permission from the community to pursue this direction. OP team members have consistently been among the most vocal advocates for Olympus and our bond mechanics. Bonds-as-a-service demonstrates to other protocols how Olympus acquired one of the largest treasuries in DeFi. Given the lineage, we believe that the success of Bond Protocol is intrinsically linked to Olympus.


        Let’s flag this subject as needing more detail provided. I hear the concerns raised by multiple members and will provide more detail to ease those concerns.

        • Regarding all of the concerns of this protocol breaking away from the econohmy, my response would be that this technology is something that has far reaching uses outside of only Olympus, but started out of and is aligned with Olympus. By separating it out, it can have its own room to grow. The focus of Olympus as an algorithmic currency are not the same as a protocol for bonding tokens as Tex mentioned above. I would beg everyone to have an open and positive-sum mindset.

          The reality is that bonds can be forked easily, and have been forked across countless projects that valued this mechanism but didn't align with Olympus. By spinning this out, Bond protocol can consolidate and focus on bonds as a mechanism while maintaining credible neutrality so that that is never a reason for anyone to fork, and the defi community can work together on a single platform. I hope that this can become like (the good parts of) Uniswap: essential, immutable infrastructure that is credibly neutral, has a large amount of use-cases, and is completely self-contained. And although this is harder to quantify, I sincerely believe that this provides Olympus with a lot of legitimacy: Along the way of creating a whole new type of currency, we were able to create a new bonding system that improves the overall crypto space. That is powerful.

          • Always up for some predator orcas to be swimming in the ocean of defi on our behalf🐋