
  • Aug 25, 2021
  • Joined Jun 18, 2021
  • TheThorLady

    I would strongly recommend that we get a formal version of the proposal ready for voting this week.
    This will allow us to frontrun future liquidity upside when Monero, Haven, Doge, Solana, Cosmos come online on Thorchain.

    On the topic of impermanent loss from providing a Rune-Ohm liquidity pool, the current asset correlation between Rune and Ohm is about 50%, though the coinmarketcap data only goes back to April 1st.

    Not sure what can be done about IL in this case.

    Fulano (Α, Ω)

    • I have to agree with xh3b4sd and @JFry4 here. Really feels like a unnecessary marketing stunt with no real substance. Great effort on the proposal, but I think this is premature. I don't feel like OHM needs to be on the forefront of cross-chain exchange; we are a nascent defi project, lets stick to our guns and maybe we could revisit something like this if and when THORchain has a little bit more to show for itself.

      • TLDR

        • expensive marketing stunt
        • horrible wallet UX
        • custodial pool solution
        • no automation
        • no bonding

        I certainly appreciate the effort put into this proposal and love to see different communities to collaborate. Over the past weeks I tried to better understand how ThorChain and OlympusDAO could collaborate in a meaningful way. So far nobody could really outline strategic benefits of the suggested RUNE pool on ThorChain. I understand this is all very early for ThorChain but all this pseudo custodial multisig setup is broken by design in a trustless ecosystem. It does make zero sense that there is no automated integration. The lack of automation and integration is then also why this proposal does not include our usual bonding mechanism which means that we create a completely new avenue of which I am not convinced we should do that because I do not see why. As it seems to me this collaboration at this point would not be more than a very expensive marketing stunt. I am happy to learn more about what I couldn't learn already during the past weeks, so somebody tell me please why we should do this at all. Further, multisigs managing 7+ figures should at least be 3 of 5. And then this XDEFI wallet thing sounds horrible TBH. Like why would you do this to your users. I am not sure how big the audience of LTC hodlers is who are not able to find their way to Ethereum mainnet and if it is really worth our DAO funds to go after them. I think it is way too early for this kind of thing to play out so I would vote to defer.

        • Great proposal! Appreciate all the work you put in. But I'm not sold... yet.

          TLDR: How does this benefit OHM?

          Would there be demand for OHM on chains to which Thor would give us access?

          Is Olympus well known enough outside of the EVM world to warrant this collab at this stage in Olympus' development?

          Would it make more sense to wait until there are protocols/projects that want to partner with us (or us with them) and would require Thorchain as the bridge?

          I worry this is crosschain for the sake of it and not to address market demand, but I've no data to back that up... nor have I seen any to the contrary.

          • Thorchain looks a great project. And the community seem awake. It is in its infancy like Ohm, there are great rewards and also great risks in entering into infancy projects.

          • !WOW what an amazing proposal and such respect of Nine realms to possibly supply the pool with $2MM in RUNE!
            Thor Lady you have outdone yourself on this proposal! Absolutely for this proposal and great way of showing knowledge about how to set this up! Also Kudos for the Gnosis multisig!

            FOR FOR FOR!

          • Thorchain is going to be part of the future of defi along with us so lets get collaborating 🤝

          • The potential for ohm to have its own rune pool is amazing. My main question is if/how olympus could own its own LP position. This seems like one of the strengths of the protocol: acquiring it's own liquidity.

            1. Is the olympus treasury able to hold non ERC-20 assets like rune?
            2. Is it possible for us to set up an ohm-rune bond program so Olympus owns the majority of its own liquidity on Thorchain? And are ohmies ready for that or is it too soon?

            So far we have been pretty conservative and my guess is a lot of ohmies won't be comfortable with rune. But I also think that rune's deterministic pricing could make it a really interesting asset in the treasury because (similar to ohm) it is one of the few tokens that has a floor (risk free value) that can be calculated separate from market value. It seems possible we could use deterministic rune price as its RFV.

            If the treasury can hold rune and ohmies agree that it is worthwhile to have rune-ohm in the treasury, I am all for this proposal.

            • Supporting this proposal! Love to see 2 of my favourite projects coming together!

            • Would love to see two of my favourite projects coming together. Great Initiative !

            • Would Olympus have to hold any assets for this partnership and bond OHM:RUNE LPs to create this liquidity?

              • Great work and initiative ThorLady! Suggestion: would be good to have both 1) OHM stake APY and 2) LP APY/ fees incentives in the OHM-Rune LP in ThorChain pool.