Note upfront: I have made a proposal in a general forum item that we'd be happy to be employed as an additional market maker and we have proposed to market make gOHM and not OHM.
I want to point out the materially better value provided by OHM tokens lent out versus gOHM to a market maker/trader. For example, a simple comparison of price movements from Dec 1st on OHM vs. gOHM on Coingecko:
OHM went from a Dec 1st opening price of $813.57 to$ 452.61 as of the close of Dec 21st.
gOHM went from a Dec 1st opening price of $30,978 to $22,601 as of the close on Dec 21st.
Lets say, a trader shorted on Dec 1st, $10,000 of OHM while at the same time buying$ 10,000 of gOHM. As of close of Dec 21st, this short and long trade combination would have profited 1,732 dollars in a mere 21 days. So, of course, in this scenario, a trader wouldn't stake it (because there's none to stake). This comes mainly from the rebasement from OHM, and gives the token borrow significant value. Keep this example in mind and … that the option value alone isn't the value of the MM contract, but its BOTH the value of the option and token loan (and which one it is!)