I wanted to address the OlympusDAO community and outline some of the key aspect of market making and our proposal and how it differs from that of Wintermute.
First, and I think this is fundamental, from previous conversations, exchanges are looking to list OHM, not so much gOHM. When CEX are evaluating tokens for listing, it is not a very mysterious process, they go down the list of crypto's by market cap and volume traded. That's why a loan of gOHM would not serve much purpose except dilute current holders.
It is true that rebasing and native staking are possible but not common, any listing on CEX should be accompanied by a proper conversation and a lot of retail education about the protocol; having a welcoming attitude towards listings will certainly help manage the process from the Olympus standpoint.
Wintermute and GSR are both strong on CEX's, just like we are also both very involved in DeFi, and it is similarly not an issue for either of us to bridge liquidity cross chain and mitigate this potential risk of forking - although hard to really see any fork dethrone the original (3,3).
GSR's proposal properly addresses the liquidity risk for OHM, but also is a LOT, LOT less expensive for Ohmies.
The repayment options in OHM are significantly further away due to the OHM rebasing.
I checked what the equivalent strike would be in OHM compared to the gOHM Wintermute proposal and it is below $120, reciprocally their strikes in gOHM to match ours would have to be over 10 times higher… I know $694,200 does not have the same ring to it, but that's what the strike should be if you wanted to compare fairly 🤔

Whatever Olympus DAO decides, this process has been a unique chance to interact and genuinely connect with many in your community - GSR is grateful for it.