
  • Feb 24, 2022
  • Joined Jun 23, 2021
  • Questions :

    1. how would policy decide which assets to sell first? I guess stables won't be touched
    2. has this been war gamed sufficiently ?e.g. if treasury drops too much would Olympus become 'too small to matter' and and as treasury decreases income decreases
  • Great idea.

    The proposal wording doesn't cover what will be done with the rewards in a binding way. I guess the policy team decides or there'll be another vote (this will be tedious for a small amount and the many permutations)?

    There are a few things that can be done with the rewards like selling, locking CRV into veCRV for up to 4 years, staking CVX to earn more CRV, locking the CRV rewards into CXVCRV, etc. ..

    Selling doesn't build long term relationships but these reward tokens have huge selling pressure so if reward tokens are held, this should be seen as building relationships vs 'earning more yield on money sitting there'