Alright, we all had our fun with LARPing and FUDing our own bags and rode Ohm up and down mount Olympus three times.. time for some soul searching.

We know the fundamentals and the core team are second to none.

·         The DAO is one of the best and most established.

·         The partnerships and impact of what Olympus created in this space cannot be denied.

·         The protocol is time-tested and withstood multiple harsh corrections with cascaded liquidations.

·         The community is strong.

So why do we see such horrendous price action… and before you reply in a defensive manner, be honest with yourselves and look at the thirteen straight weekly red candles in a row… rarely seen in a solid asset, and we ARE a solid protocol. So what seems to be the problem?

We are at a point where possibly half of Ohmies are fine but the other half is down .. and down bad. A community does not prosper when half of its members are suffering or not whole.

Sure, macro factors, crypto market down, BTC, migration, etc. etc. can all be factors. But many other protocols suffered the same or worse (how many protocols were hacked and lost millions) still not seen such weekly candle pattern… and no matter which chart or PA you look at, naked, Index-Adjusted, MC, or otherwise… the DEMAND is not there… the volume is suffering

So let us focus on what WE as community can control, this being the (3,3) path that some or many have abandoned. Every drop in price is because someone is willing to sell regardless of price level … antithesis to the fundamental idea of Olympus (3,3).

Taking profit is fine and is a must to WAGMI in crypto but tell me what profit sellers are taking when throwing away Ohm at $180 or even $200. Selling into strength is one thing when the price is healthy, selling at these levels is slaying the Golden Goose that helped and is helping us all.

The honor system of we all (3,3) and we all make it is breaking down because SOME are not following it. Not sure if small Ohm holder can move the price this much and most if not all the small holders are here to invest for long term with minimal selling to pay a minor bill… mid and large size bags have more impact as you all know.

I am not calling this a conspiracy of backroom dealings, not at all, every player in this space is doing what is best for them, it used to be (3,3) but fear or greed can push those who made it to (-1,-1)… I understand some are selling to go invest in other protocols in the ecosystem to help the whole system, I did that for Redacted and Abachi. I am sure others did too for Rome, Klima, and all other partner protocols. Some have good reasons to sell to pay off mortgages or buy a home.

The protocol, rightly so, rejected the idea of time-locks, are you proving us wrong?? Are you saying that the ve(3,3) that is being worked on by AC is the right way? Is the trust of the community to act in its own self interest responsibly too much to ask? Tragedy of the Commons? I hope not…

Ohmies, it is time to come home and save the (3,3) way. If Olympus fails all other partners will suffer or fail. The whole model will be discredited…

The concept is to own Ohm (3,3) and never have to sell it.. so why are you selling anon?

I hope I am wrong.

    You are wrong. This dao killed itself. Wants no warm up or cool down and these people show time and again theyre pieces os who would MUCH RATHER kill the project than lose out on an extra 1,000 dollars. Wrong horses to bet on. And we just keep betting on them as a team. 3,3 is a losing idea. People have shown since forever they will not hold a position for the good of everyone. Its time tested and always goes like this at some point. Strangers cant be trusted for money….. most family cant. So what do ya think of a bunch of internet people not stiffing others for money? Not gonna happen. The answers are bots need to go and a warm up/cool down or, ve3,3 type lock up with diff locking time amounts and apy adjusted for each. Longer holders should get more return than guys in and out for just rebases…. However ill just be told it cant happen and we may all go broke waiting for strangers to not dump on our heads. Best of luck to that line of thought.

    A quick fix.

    Establish a payment card system from ohm for real world items. Partner with Mastercard, visa, someone. Establish a daily limit of say $25,000 spent on that card. That might be high.

    Add a loss of 5 days worth of rebases if any amount is unstaked.

    Create our own borrow/lend bank within Olympus, not going to Rari and losing all those fees.

    A few positives here for everyone. Ohm actually stays staked but is spendable in the real world. Payment card fees are instantly added back into the treasury increasing APY and runway. The treasury grows greatly as price of ohm increases and the capital inflows would be tremendous.


    There needs to be a cost of selling to discourage it, especially dumping after rebase then buying back in. Either need to fix this by no first rebase reward when buying in or personally I would have a lower APY for first 30 days staked. 3:3 are unaffected as longer term stakers / holders get same APY. If people want to swap in and out, usually moving to other protocols on a rebase run, they can still do this but with far less impact on growing supply / negative price action.. One thing a will add is that this is possibly the most important issue re survival of ohm, whatever is done needs to be done quickly.

      Platinum_Duck How about a sales tax? The revenue can go to the treasury. It would discourage trading in and out and, like your idea, would affect long term (3,3) stakers.


        Possibly, though I think the word tax can just put people off. sure you could just rename it something else. The reason I like a reduced APY on first 30 days (or any # of days) is that it also helps significantly reduce emissions / supply growth which intern provides support to price. This just instantly strengthens the protocol overnight and paves the way for more investment. If price depreciation continues at even half it's current pace, meaningful investment will look right past ohm.

        how about adding some new tokens so holders of large sums of ohm can make 1 100x token instead of 100 ohm. those 100 ohms can be burned from supply and will keep most people happy making more staking on the higher x tokens. let's say a 10x 50x 100x ohm token. their supply is miniscule and will have no sales pressure. all the tokens can move up together then and stop the foolish selling. Make an ohm stable coin that we can use to reward staking and put in a tax for those selling. I'm coming from buying in mistakenly about 2-3 months ago at 1000-1100 a coin. I bought in with 10. such is life, let's get this token fixed, the fact it's on Ethereum with retard gas fees doesn't help either.

          ingo its on other chains, not just eth. The answer lies in charging people to exit before a certain amount of time. No warm up/cool down or whether theyre staked or whatever… a flash bot drops in and sells its a 5-10% hit just like a DEX has a charge to use the service. You hafta make it unprofitable to be in and out for whatever reason… flashbots, apy jumpers, rebase jumpers…… they need to be taxed to use the system if theyre not willing to hold for 30 (or whatever predetermined amount the DAO comes up with) days from their purchase. Everyone has different buy points so 30 days is different for each individual person and there wont be cascades if non believers have to sell at a monster % loss for 1 transaction.


            The bots also need to go. many examples out there in the media now about how olympus is bleeding it's investors by allowing bots. basically they buy up just before a rebase then dump seconds after. Not good PR for a start. If we take action on this with some sort of charge / % fee then it could actually be quite profitable for the treasury. I would use this income, or a portion of to burn ohm if people don't like my <30days lower APY entry idea. Either way let's please put something in motion and with some urgency.

            Been in Ohm for about 2 Months. Like the concept, but between the rollout of gOhm and the constant price drops, starting to seem like I wasted a bunch of money. Hope I am wrong.


            Sigh, I am typing this after the major drop we had today… as if I felt this was coming, never expected it to happen so soon or close to home… stay strong Ohmies, like I said, we need to do some soul searching and rebuild with stronger foundations and if possible reinforcement of the (3,3) via protocol mechanics.

              I agree with the people that mentioned a cost to sell before X days. That seems to align with the 3,3 thinking. I'm in the same boat as @ingo where I bought a few months over when it was in the $1000 range. Sure I have earned a bunch of OHM but nowhere near close to even be near to breakeven. Based on today's price (assuming it stays there) it would take 300+ days of rebase earnings to get back to just even.

              I don't know how we do it but we need to stop the major price reduction that keeps going on.

              OberonSky I am in it for the long term but I have developed a bit of a fear when there is a general market downturn. I wait for the next liquidation "shoe" to drop. It is a free market but I wish there was just (3,3) and no (9,9). Those drops are enough to chase more cautious investors away; perhaps the kind that would (3,3).

              I guess the high APYs of the Olympus and its fork attract the more speculative investors. And, I suppose, I am part of that in a way so I shouldn't complain. But I do look forward to the future where we land at a lower APY, as solid treasury with income, and more stability.

              ve(3,3) model is interesting to me personally. If people want higher apy they have to stake longer upfront. Have multiple time frames to choose from. They can still jump in and out but have to be in 1 full rebase period (8 hrs) minimum and they get a very small apy if they sell after just 1 rebase…. if they dont sell it would roll right into the next timeframe. But these crazy in out sell everything back in back out, bots central, nonsense has to end.


                Yo! So you still want to find me and bash my head in front of my famiglia? Or was that another dude?

                If you will stay around and participate you should retract that filth and deranged threats you typed before..

                  OberonSky youve responded to me 10 times on this thread and another….. i said dox and sure ill retrace saying ill make it my lifes work to dox you…. which has nothing to do with bashing any heads for the record….. squash it my guy. Move forward huh? Dont be like dave craig and cry because you dont like the way someone talked to you.


                    Prepare to hear from HR 😆

                    Now listen you smug ass, move on and BS don't work when you say shit like that, talking about doxing and personal threats to people and their families ain't nothing to joke about. You change that attitude and disagree without throwing a tantrum.

                    Moving on but keeping an eye on you 🤪👁🤣

                      OberonSky Lets grow up. Youre a twitter person. Doxing peoples real identities isnt a threat. I just know its the end of the world to people like you….. i use my real name on twitter while youre an anime character. You can see pics of my familglia on my page, bud. I dont fear for my life because im not a prick to people. I dont run around playing the victim card all day. Keep your eye on whatever you need to. Im a regular person not an anime character and i use SOCIAL NETWORKS to be social.


                        Move on and don't be like Craig!

                        Also I recommend you derisk some of your OHM to ensure your family can weather any economic outcome. Remaining risk on with the rest indefinitely…

                        That is a solid one.