OberonSky youve responded to me 10 times on this thread and another….. i said dox and sure ill retrace saying ill make it my lifes work to dox you…. which has nothing to do with bashing any heads for the record….. squash it my guy. Move forward huh? Dont be like dave craig and cry because you dont like the way someone talked to you.


    Prepare to hear from HR 😆

    Now listen you smug ass, move on and BS don't work when you say shit like that, talking about doxing and personal threats to people and their families ain't nothing to joke about. You change that attitude and disagree without throwing a tantrum.

    Moving on but keeping an eye on you 🤪👁🤣

      OberonSky Lets grow up. Youre a twitter person. Doxing peoples real identities isnt a threat. I just know its the end of the world to people like you….. i use my real name on twitter while youre an anime character. You can see pics of my familglia on my page, bud. I dont fear for my life because im not a prick to people. I dont run around playing the victim card all day. Keep your eye on whatever you need to. Im a regular person not an anime character and i use SOCIAL NETWORKS to be social.


        Move on and don't be like Craig!

        Also I recommend you derisk some of your OHM to ensure your family can weather any economic outcome. Remaining risk on with the rest indefinitely…

        That is a solid one.

          Do you ever notice the Devs arent ever in here helping us to understand whats happening. Probably because the devs are the whales, mostly, and they created the bots themselves. That would make all this make more sense. They just keep taking the money from us, over and over again.

          Price crash we see is caused by devaluation of overall crypto market.

          Crytpo itself carries high risk and token like OHM adds another layer of risk on top, so this is high risk asset and when crypto market is falling profitability of bonds is negative - noone wants to invest. Inflow dries out and we have real inflation problem.

          When overall crypto market turns round - OHM will be an attractive option again.

          Basically crypto market is falling - OHM has negative returns - so people leave.

          Increase in interest rate should in theory compensate those who stay but how can you fund higher rate of return when DAO has negative yeld?

          Clever mechanism is needed to maintain profitability in falling markets - because this will keep happening if not solved.

          This is not an easy problem but one way is for treasury accumulate OHM reserves and engage in price stabilization on ongoing basis instead of just at the low end.

          This should prove very profitable for the DAO on the way up and provide ongoing stability buffer on the way down.

            Alinor The price crash has been going on long before the downturn. Yes that has exaggerated the problem a lot though.

            Also, you point about the APR going up to cover those losses is false. An early very substantial APY drop regardless of Ohm price was just forced down our throats by the Devs and whales because even grouped together, no group of 1000 or less ohm holders all voting together can even match their voting power.

            So we all either have to bail out of ohm or let it ride with what they want, there is ABSOLUTLEY ZERO f***S given for the little guy or their opinions.


              Price decline in assets like OHM always starts ahead of the overall market - because these are highest risk assets, it will be same way in the other direction.

              So yes people saw decline coming and they began to leave long a go.

              Voting with share is always like that - majority rules -> holding majority

              I do not see why apy cant go down, it may seem scary at first it will be putting breaks on exits.
              When yield goes up - APY goes up
              When yield goes down - APY goes down

              When people bail they hand their tokens to others those others keep them and yes they get less yield but they can sell those tokens at higher price later when yield is higher and it is sustainable.

              It then begins to work like normal bond market - you pay premium for yield


              I completely disagree with these insinuations about collusion of devs and whales etc. these conspiracy theories are pure FUD and I am definitely not happy seeing the discussion I started devolve into this …

              The policies are set for the benefit of the Protocol health and long-term sustainability… the policies are not set to benefit the little guy or the whale.. whales who bought the top in October/November suffered the SAME loss as the little guy… one can argue that a whale losing half of their assets will not be as hurt as a small investor … that is a different issue since a whale can still have a good life even after losing half their assets while the small investor will probably not.. but BOTH lost equally in terms of percentage.

              Buying the TOP of ANY asset is going to lead to loss afterwards in the short to medium term.. this applies to any bag size

              Excessive leverage will lead to liquidations in volatile assets and again this applies to any bag size

              These are mistakes investors make regardless of their portfolio size.

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