• Proposal
  • OIP-21: DAO Budget Increase + Milestone Framework


Firstly, the DAO only pays for work done, so that's easy and i def agree.

As far as releasing more reports, this is a great suggestion. Most teams released their allocation data internally, also the DAO log channel is public in the DAO, so anyone can view all the allocations that have been sent out and to who. We have more detailed data in a spreadsheet and are working on making it more visually pleasing (lots of charts and graphs) before we release it.


We aren't just throwing money at people, so OHM is only paid for work done. The reason for the raise is to be able to pay the growing number of DAO contributors more fairly (budgets were getting too low for amount of contributions).

Budget is split between team budgets and project budgets (67%/33% respectively), with each team receiving a percentage to allocate towards ongoing and ad hoc team contributions, and a project budget to which DAO contributors can propose defined projects (start and end date, deliverables, etc) and request funds from.

I would like to make the books more transparent as well and we are in the process of making things pretty and easy to view, we can release this soonTM

The sheer amount of talent that floods into the DAO on a daily basis is truly awe inspiring. I believe its extremely important that all members of the DAO receive fair compensation for tasks and projects that they help ideate, assist with and ultimately complete. We have the absolute best community in the crypto realm and it's extremely important that we double down on that with the absolute best DAO there is as well. This means that as the DAO continues to grow at hyper-drive like speeds, we have a budget that matches both the talent and growth rate of the protocol. I 1000% stand behind this proposal as this directly affects the Ohmies that help make Olympus what it is today. Our incredible hOHM.

The working ohmies of the DAO are the rock upon which the great house that is olympus is being built.

Their synergy and alignment of passion and skill is certainly part of what proves 1 + 1 = 3

Take care of our builders, our masons, our carpenters, painters, and orators, our divinators, memelords, and technomancers ensure they feel valued, and ensure they feel confident to attract more journeymen to our cause -- knowing their needs can be met with fair compensation and deep appreciation at no opportunity cost to themselves and we will find continued success.

At the same time; by doing so - we can enable those most apt at eliminating social arbitrageur and other freeriders to keep their senses keen while adding fresh eye's to their ranks as new auditors as well.

It takes a village they say to raise a child -- and we aim to raise a nation. Put the resources forth to let the power of an abundant mindset flow like nourishing waters to our elder and new builders alike. We will all grow in kind.



I'm for the proposal, thank you for putting such thoughtfulness in this proposal which usually can be a little tricky. Especially the framework of milestones part. And wow, I wasn't aware that we've seen so much growth in the number of contributors. The future of Ohm is bullish, Looking forward to further integrations!

Dudemyguy you have my support with this. Certainly need the team to feel comfortable and well paid for the work they do. Thank you

To acquire and retain the best talent we must prepare an attractive compensation

I believe this is the way to grow OlympusDAO to become one of the best DAO

I am for proposal 1. The shared data makes it clearer where the spend is going.

But for proposal 2, I like that it is based on a target, but maybe it would help to publish our current standings, trend for the past year and WIPs in a single page? That would help voters get a clearer understanding of the baseline.


what is the current number of Ohmies staking and what was the increase trend for the past year?

what is the current number of Ohmies on discord and what was the trend for the past year?

what are the current or target proposed partnerships in the works?

what are the current or target new integrations?


    You can see our # of ohmies staked on the dashboard, and we have announced membership milestones in discord, we are currently at just under 15k discord members.

    As far as proposed partnerships, this information cannot always be made public right away, but I can tell you our partnerships team is one of the busiest teams in the DAO. Current partnerships and integrations are also listed in this proposal above (Rari Fuse, Frax, AAVE, Convex, Abracadabra). I believe there are other partnerships/integrations that have even been hinted at on twitter πŸ™Š

      Great job so far OHMies! I'm all FOR! Keep up the great work πŸ™‚

      Dudemyguy Thanks. I guess I was more thinking about a one pager rather than having voters go all over the place to look for the info. Jusst trying to make it easier for people to make an informed decision!

      As the number of active contributors grow, it is crucial to raise the budget if we want the DAO to pay competitive salaries.

      I’m down for increasing the budget now, and also for creating a framework that will give the DAO more room to grow sustainably (thanks to the ability to rase the budget again) once it is necessary.

      Hard work should pay off, and the amount of work that the DAO ohmies are doing is incredible. Good job everyone!

      I’m brand new been for about a month been loving what you guys do as a community and what you do for the community. Keep thinking ahead and what you guys can do to keep it going. I’m all for it you guys deserve it.

      Agree with the principle, want to retain an reward talent.

      Would be good to define some KPIs that could help track ROI..difficult to do with certain types of work, but worth trying.

      Also, what if Ohm price tanks or shoots up for a short period of time… giving dollar equivalents of Ohm at point in time risks under/over payment..maybe some kind of average price over a longer period could define the number of Ohm?

        As the number of active DAO participants grows and continues to grow as we take on more complex endeavors, some roles our team members have become even more important. I don't think anyone's been able to quit their job to fully dedicate to Olympus, which is a passion project for pretty much everyone involved (and maybe they should be able to!) though I think it'd be great if we could present a richer dataset on how the funds are allocated.

        Considering the amount of money the protocol has been earning, which is allocated to the DAO on the protocol level, I think it's fair to say that the budget is fairly modest! For anyone really concerned about the increased sell pressure, I think the most passionate Ohmies are exactly those DAO participants who would prefer to (3,3). πŸ€™

        In for the proposal and much respect for all hard working Ohmies!

        (3, 3)

        All for this! We definitely need to pay people fairly for the work being done. More people = more money. Simple math πŸ™‚. Like the milestones you have set forth as well.