billygoat33 Hi, I did some more math to hopefully demonstrate our suggestions and concerns.
Where do these scenarios derive from: Olympus DAO calculator
Using framework numbers .3058%
Scenario 1A
Starting Balance SOHM Staked: 1000
OHM price $300
Rebase Rate .3058% (high end of proposal rates initially)
Month 1 = 316.27
Month 2 = 732.56
Month 3 = 1280
This is just rewards emissions so after 3 months your new bag is = 2280 SOHM
Scenario 2A
Starting Balance SOHM Staked: 61
OHM Price: $300
Rebase Rate .3058% (High end of proposal rates initially)
Month 1 = 19.29
Month 2 = 44.69
Month 3 = 78.11
This is just rewards emissions so after 3 months your new bag is = 139.11 SOHM
Now with a tier system (I called it a band but the language doesn’t matter)
Scenario 1B
Starting Balance SOHM Staked: 1000
OHM Price: $300
Rebase Rate .15 (Band 5 qualified)
Month 1 = 144.42
Month 2 = 309.70
Month 3 = 498.85
This is just rewards emissions so after 3 months your new bag is = 1498.85 SOHM
Scenario 2B
Starting balance SOHM Staked: 61
OHM Price: $300
Rebase Rate .29% (Band 3)
Month 1 = 18.16
Month 2 = 41.73 (Progresses into Band 4 which reduces emissions to .20%)
Month 3 = 72.32 (Progresses into Band 5 which reduces emissions to .15%)
This is just rewards emissions so after 3 months your new bag is = 133.32 SOHM (slightly lower due to Band 4 and Band 5 Emission reductions)
Now you say – “the ohmie with 61 OHM doesn’t really get much of an emissions cut that’s not fair” That is because the hyper-inflation resides at the higher of the quantity spectrum NOT the lower end. All OHMIES will graduate eventually to Band 5 that begins where hyperinflation starts which is roughly 121 OHM. That is where the snowball affect of rewards emissions begins to unravel into drastic inflation where you can 2x , 3X, 4X, your ENTIRE bag month over month rollover. Before that it’s a slow growth to that level of distribution, that’s how compound interest works.
All OHMIEs graduate to Band 5 at some point, but everyone knows that point and time if it’s placed into a smart contract – We also protect the integrity of the MEME that has brought everyone to the protocol. This also protects front end growth for new OHMIES and the Back End integrity of the gains. It cuts emissions on the back end by roughly 60% “actually cutting inflation” where all the exponential inflation resides if you followed the scenario. While still benefiting those big bag OHMIES over 100 SOHM per month in gains + price appreciation (based on my scenario numbers – it would actually be much more for OHMIES holding more than 1000 SOHM. Everyone eventually “Graduates into the lower emissions, vs being forced into the lower missions before they attain any wealth growth – meanwhile those that already have bags, still have bags and we still have a protocol performing it’s mission.
Another issue right now is bonds will not be attractive if by the time they mature they are out of the money due to price depreciation below bond purchase price from high emissions and sell pressure. The proposal put forth offered steeper bond discounts to resolve that issue. However - Once we “effectively and ACTUALLY” cut emissions (inflation) / prices would in fact rise meaning we don’t need to discount the bonds more unless we want to grow treasury. But the bond discounts would then be a strategic decision to grow treasury vs being a technique to further expand survivability and prop up Market Cap.
Billygoat and others mentioned use case, absolutely, we need more use case that brings value to newly minted supply, “especially the unstaked supply”. The unstaked supply acts as a burden unless it’s given purpose.