Thinking long-term is what we need to do in order to ensure OHM retains strong value. It is more important to keep the treasury strong than to weaken it to compensate short-term investors. Lowering the APY will provide a longer runway which will also help attract more serious investors and other organizations who want to adopt OHM as a trusted value-backed protocol.
Consider that even 1000% APY will provide gains by the end of 2022 for anyone who is current at a loss (assuming market value of OHM stays close to $300+, but keep in mind that OHM is technically only backed by 1 DAI and the protocol will only burn OHM when it falls below that - so there's the possibility that even at a high APY not much value will be recovered if the price of OHM drops to 1 DAI).
My previous suggestion was to move the timeline for lowering the APY to 1,000% out 8-12 weeks. I don't think 4, 8, or 12 weeks even matters as long as we ensure the runway stays greater than 365 days (1 year). Eventually, I think this should be pushed even further out to 3+ years as OHM becomes widely accepted as a reference for value.