I think this proposal is a good way to support our partnership with FRAX. This fits in nicely with our existing treasury assets and doesn't give additional exposure to centralized stablecoins like a 3CRV pool for example. My perception of risk is fairly low on this given it's primarily UniV3 plus the Frax staking contract. Based on the 24hr fees vs. TVL in the pool it looks like trading fees work out to roughly 2% APY but I imagine that will shrink once TVL increases. A few points of clarification:
- My intuition for deposit size is to match total Aave allocation of $1M, so $500k FRAX + $500k DAI
- Given that we tend to hold our allocations, it might make sense to lock the LP for longer than the 7 day period to get the boost
- Given the above, do you know what size veFXS position we would need for additional yield on this size allocation? Would we be able to use veFXS to boost this FRAX/DAI V3 deposit and also gauge vote FRAX/OHM rewards?
- Can you give us any insight into the primary motivation for Frax launching this pool?