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This draft proposal seeks to start a discussion about whether we should put an amount of treasury FRAX & DAI to work earning trading fees and FXS rewards by depositing into Uniswapv3 pool FRAX/DAI pool and staking with FRAX Finance for FXS rewards.
FRAX Finance recently released [FRAX/DAI Univ3pool farming] (https://app.frax.finance/staking#Uniswap_V3_FRAX_DAI) - this is currently paying 17% apr (not including trading fees). The apr can be boosted by both time locking (for up to 3 years at 1x per year) and by up to 2x by holding and locking FXS as veFXS (similar to Curve veCRV locking). Further information on the boosting mechanisms can be found in FRAX Finance's docs here.
FRAX has also recently released [gauge weight voting for veFXS] - this allows for veFXS holders to vote on the allocation of 16,400 FXS per day across whitelisted pools. OHM/FRAX is a potential pool where veFXS holder could gauge vote to allocate.
Uniswap V3 pools allow trading between assets within specific ranges - the FRAX/DAI only exposes liquidity providers to those assets in the pool and allows them to generate trading fees.
Currently we have over 7 million FRAX and 20 million DAI sitting unproductive in our treasury.
This proposal seeks to begin a discussion about an appropriate number of FRAX and DAI to deposit to start earning FXS rewards and trading fees.
The minimum period for staking in the FRAX Finance farming contract is for 7 days - I do not propose that we should lock our FRAX/DAI LP for longer than the minimum period.
I propose that we would retain the farmed FXS and lock it as veFXS - fully boosted locked veFXS currently earns 45% apr claimable as additional FXS. I propose that we would also use our veFXS to gauge vote the FRAX/OHM pair for FXS rewards.
The author considers the passing of the proposal adds the following risks to the amount of FRAX and DAI deposited.
- Smart contract risk from the Univ3 pools and the FRAX Finance farming contract.
- Cross-pollination risk from Univ3 trading pool exposure - where if either FRAX or DAI has some failure traders will come and trade the failing asset in UNIv3 pool within the range until we are only left with 100% the undesired asset (either 100% FRAX or 100% DAI).
This would allow us to collect FXS rewards and trading fees on an appropriate amount of FRAX and DAI from the treasury.
Voting period: voting period would be for 5 days from the date of snapshot voting commencement.
Deploy the TBD amount of FRAX and DAI to UniswapV3 and stake in FRAX Finance faming contract to earn FXS rewards.
Do not deploy FRAX to the Convex FRAX pool at this time.
The values in the voting below reflect a total amount for e.g. 500K FRAX/DAI is a total of $500K USD of value.