Wrapping sOhm and putting wOhm on FUSE are two very different proposals. We should separate the two issues for a vote.
Old 3,3
Ohmies stake on OLYMPUS and do nothing but watch the money pile up. Price stability is what they want or if prices go up even better. If price goes down they're not concerned as long as they see other Ohmies holding strong (e.g. the % staked doesn't change). Price stability > 3,3 > Price stability self-reinforcing cycle due to low liquidity and 3,3 mentality. Non-Ohmies see Ohm price stay the same during a bear market they want in. There's no tail risk because the Ohm staking contract doesn't interact with any other Protocol and there's no price oracle. Sure Ohm whales can sell and do whatever with the DAI they'd get, but they'd be giving up the 100K APY so it would not be a decision to be taken lightly. 3,3 is Game Theory approved and battle-tested during the last downturn (2 weeks ago).
New "3,3"
Ohmies stake on OLYMPUS. Most choose to "wrap" their sOhm so they can lend on FUSE b/c they get the rebases + lending rate. On the surface there's no difference between staking on Olympus or depositing in FUSE. However, they don't price-in the new risk factors. FUSE pool has liquidation risk and smart contract risk (price oracle / flash loans). It's possible even probable (given long enough time horizon) that they could lose wOhm even if they don't borrow anything. Only Whales have enough Ohm to bother with borrowing (at 800% collateralization ratio). So they're not "selling" their sOhm/Ohm but they are putting it at risk. They can "lose" their Ohm to liquidators who will then immediately sell on Sushi so saying the whales aren't the ones selling is disingenuous. Tail risk is increased but nobody knows by how much.
Now (3,3) has been split into two camps: W(3,3) vs S(3,3) with very different risk profile. S(3,3) get none of the upside for the volatility but they do get hit with the downside. They also realize that they are essentially subsidizing W(3,3) behavior. Why would the S(3,3) stay put?
We already know what happens when there's a price shock. Not even a week ago the Sushiswap price oracle was broken and everyone thought the price was still at $1500 when it was actually at $1050. When that error was corrected, it launched a wave of unstaking and selling which we still haven't recovered from. Why wouldn't FUSE exacerbate this?
To be clear: I'm FOR FUSE. I'm also FOR wOHM. I'm AGAINST wOHM on FUSE. You want to leverage and take on FUSE risk? Unstake and concede your (3,3) rewards. There's no reason why leveraged Ohmies should be rewarded for putting their stash at risk in a degen pool. If they put up regular Ohm in the FUSE pool, they are essentially getting 10X leverage already (using $80 IV as the baseline) giving up a 100K APY is not unreasonable.