OPSENSE AURA is a strategic asset because it allows the DAO to incentivize 3rd party liquidity, akin to what we're doing with FXS and CVX right now. To name a few poor strategic asset examples, SNX and YFI serve no purpose for OlympusDAO and would essentially only serve as a speculative gamble of the treasury. Additionally, OlympusDAO is going to put the majority of it's liquidity within Balancer. It would behoove the DAO to be able to have influence within the ecosystem that it will call home in the near-term. For data on why this makes sense per the comment on governance influence please see this dune: https://dune.com/aura_finance/aura
I am unsure what your napkin math entails. Based on the data that is tracked in that dune it still is a straight forward proposition in my mind. Furthermore, it would have been great to see your feedback during the last votes that greenlighted AURA as a strategic asset, doing a pilot deposit into the Aura platform, and Treasury Framework proposal that was based on the OlympusDAO Strategy proposal. Links below:
As for transparency, could you please expand on this? Aura is a group of contributors that are well known within the broader ecosystem and have made every effort to be transparent, decentralized, and solid partners.