I can not access the discord - not sure why. My name there is OldShark - I read but posted nothing - so it is not like I was kicked off for being offensive…. Can I please get back on to read what is going on? Have been a holder for more than a year and a half

    I have tried to do so numerous times - I get a WHOOPS - unable to accept invite response

      OldShark thanks!! I've sent a message to dr00 who runs things on the community server to see if he can help get you back in, looks like you were blocked for failing to verify in time- this is a safeguard to help keep out bots/spam. When you join please follow the prompts to verify as human

      2 months later

      I can’t join the discord, I have a couple of questions, when will Olympus pay 111? As far as I know before, the rate is 3:3 ( APY=(1+reward yield) * 1095

      It is raised to the power of 1095 because the rebase happens 3 times a day. Consider that there are 365 days in a year, this will give a rebase frequency of 365 * 3 = 1095.

      Accordingly, I have a question, when will he pay? waiting for your answer and invitation to discord

        imankul22 gm, what is your full discord username? ex: Username#1234

        I can look to see why you might be having trouble joining. We do have a bot that bans users who fail to verify within a few minutes of joining the server- this helps to prevent scammers from flooding the server, so you may have been caught up in that flow.

        2 months later

        I am also unable to accept the invitation and get the answer to my question. I was told to pin @Relwyn on the community Discord, but unable to actually get into the community Discord. If I can please have someone help me with this as I noted. ROOKIE. GREEN. Not truly deeply understand of the process to do it, and the quick one-hitter comments are of no help!

        9 months later

        I can not enter discord as well, it says the link has expired?

        a month later

        I get the same message, the link has expired?

        [unknown] can you share your discord username/id and i can make sure you're not banned?

        13 days later

        [unknown] could you check mine as well? I'm getting the "Unable to accept invite" error message. Name is n0y8_73620

        Thank you!

          n0y8_73620 hello, I'm not seeing anything come up when searching n0y8_73620. Can you control + click on your user name, and scroll down to "copy user id" and then share that? It should be an 18 digit number ID vs the username and I can make sure it's not banned.

            3 months later

            hOHMwardbound Hello, time ago i entered yours discord server however i encountered an error and was unable to join. Today i am triying to enter again, but it doesnt allow me to accept the invitation, can you check it out? Thanks for your time. User: sancristobal#6389

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