I can’t join the discord, I have a couple of questions, when will Olympus pay 111? As far as I know before, the rate is 3:3 ( APY=(1+reward yield) * 1095

It is raised to the power of 1095 because the rebase happens 3 times a day. Consider that there are 365 days in a year, this will give a rebase frequency of 365 * 3 = 1095.

Accordingly, I have a question, when will he pay? waiting for your answer and invitation to discord

    imankul22 gm, what is your full discord username? ex: Username#1234

    I can look to see why you might be having trouble joining. We do have a bot that bans users who fail to verify within a few minutes of joining the server- this helps to prevent scammers from flooding the server, so you may have been caught up in that flow.

    2 months later

    I am also unable to accept the invitation and get the answer to my question. I was told to pin @Relwyn on the community Discord, but unable to actually get into the community Discord. If I can please have someone help me with this as I noted. ROOKIE. GREEN. Not truly deeply understand of the process to do it, and the quick one-hitter comments are of no help!

    9 months later

    I can not enter discord as well, it says the link has expired?

    a month later

    I get the same message, the link has expired?

    [unknown] can you share your discord username/id and i can make sure you're not banned?

    13 days later

    [unknown] could you check mine as well? I'm getting the "Unable to accept invite" error message. Name is n0y8_73620

    Thank you!

      n0y8_73620 hello, I'm not seeing anything come up when searching n0y8_73620. Can you control + click on your user name, and scroll down to "copy user id" and then share that? It should be an 18 digit number ID vs the username and I can make sure it's not banned.

        3 months later

        hOHMwardbound Hello, time ago i entered yours discord server however i encountered an error and was unable to join. Today i am triying to enter again, but it doesnt allow me to accept the invitation, can you check it out? Thanks for your time. User: sancristobal#6389

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