Bonus amounts
The communications around 3,3 and high APY's set a tone, and expectations. But our backdrop is now a 95% drawdown from the peak. This is pain for 3,3. Ultimately, the buck stops with someone. And in this case SO could only be considered to be the DAO even if it feels unfair. The Gainz chart is further giving an update on where the 3,3 community stands in terms of pain:

With this as context, awarding the top with a possible half a million USD feels rich. Half a million buys 3 family villas from where I come from, and probably like 2 Ferraris from where you come from. And that's a bonus achievable in a time period of 6 months from now with this backdrop?
I find the base level salaries to be high, but to get good people that is very competitive and attractive for the best. The bonus level however is out of touch with the real world, the community, and with the quality and the value of what has been delivered to the market. If you are losing top resources because the compensation is too low, just announce it and we will see if we cannot scramble appropriate replacements. Just ensure that proper hand-over documentation is continuously being maintained by every key resource so that we have something to put in the hands of new contributors. Also remember, these amounts will eventually hit the market as sell orders and not only drain DAO funds but drop market cap too.
Bonus goals
The reason for conditionality is that bonus should not be a given. If so, it should be part of base salary and not referred to as bonus. Bonus is not a right. Getting to top 90 plus increasing Treasury at same time is a challenge as it requires Olympus to be better than other projects, rather than just riding the market. Don't know how to explain myself clearer.
The compensation model needs to rest on a plan for transitioning to being sustained from revenue and not assets. Runway should be indefinite. If we cant get to sustainability, then why are we burning assets at all?
Compensation payouts @shadow
Why my tone.. I know there are very detailed google drive docs, but I think we should be able to follow DAO payouts on-chain. On-chain I would expect to see monthly recurring patterns of payouts corresponding to the compensation framework in number of transactions/contributors and value. I would expect to be able to track the exchange rate of currency conversions to verify that it is aligned with the decided framework and monitor said runway. But when I look at DAO address I get:

Tokens I dont even know of. This is not easily understandable to me, or am I dumb. And the swaps that take place downstream do not help at a glance. Of course I wonder what are Acropolis DAO tokens? How are ODY used and swapped? These are bulk transactions possibly one per compensation and contributor? Or maybe you bulk it in initial trx's and then explode at later stage.. Pls dont answer here, just make it so we dont need to use specialized software to audit or spend hours to puzzle it together.
1. Bonus goals should all require stellar performance by the project - not just fall out depending on what market does
2. Include Gainz chart as bonus condition: a majority of the 3,3 community should be over water for any bonus to be paid out - but the past needs to be left as past at some point - so take January 1, 2022 as the snapshot. Rolling snapshots would be the best ofc.
3. Work on transparency - Information scattered on google drives, unreliable dashboard, outdated dune charts, monthly reports written like sales pitches. So much effort, yet not much credibility. What can I trust? Where should I look? I want to trust.
BTW: We work 24/7 because we love what we do, and the people we do it with. Not because of over-the-top monetary bonuses.
I think I have written enough now. Probably just reiterating my points over and over.