Thank you hOHMwardbound
Very well-written and well structured. I really like your excellent work. Clearly a lot of thoughts have gone in to framework. Also, big kudos for stream-lining the DAO organization thus far.
Now (and since this is me and I am autistic and unable to phrase myself in humanly palatable sentences), here goes the comments yous wont enjoy:
6 month job security (If I understand this “allocation concept” correct)
I think all can understand that contributors “want” stability and security. But today we live in the age of remote work and location independent assignments. This means we do not need to tear up any roots, or grow roots in a new place to take on work. Because of this, security and stability is less warranted since the contributors “investment” in a new job is less. Also 6 months job security is unheard of except for Wall Street CxO’s who sits with big parachute agreements. If this is what it takes to get your kin to work I suggest we look for alternative resources elsewhere on the globe who are eager, hungry and very capable these days.
Again, thank you for publishing this key info. But 2.1 – 4.7 year runway is a very uncomfortable runway. $28M needs to last longer than that. Crypto-winter 2018/2019 lasted up to 2 years depending on how you measure. And that was without macro headwinds. This time, we are in new bear and macro looks like total shit. $28M is a shitload of money. Come on, man. 2.1 years?? Must do better.
Bonus goals
Thank you, most of them are S.M.A.R.T objectives. But lets dig in to them:
A. Treasury growth
Reaching 400M end of year is just a mere return to where we were on May 1st. Come on, man. Who sets a market value based bonus goal just after a crash – taking as reference a crash value? Thats the scandalous stuff they lecture about in business schools, and what goes into the newspapers and gets trad bosses axed. Changing to RFV makes it a bit better, still possible to manipulate though.
B. Premium
We lack credible data on backing to assess this. Also 30d MA of price, or 30d MA on backing – be specific.
C. Decentralized Operations
This is the only non-measurable objective. As such, I don’t like it. I also don’t care much at this point in time. This is an internal pat-your-back kinda thing with unclear implications. We don’t have a product yet. That should be the focus. Get a working product on the market.
D. Ranking
This is good.
AND/OR conditionality:
Essential for bonus payout is that there is AND conditionality between the goals. Payout can only occur if all objectives are met at the same time. If you play with OR here it is a corrupt or silly composition of goals because very little hinges on the performance of the team and almost every objective is just dependent on external market development. If cryptomarket rallies, A is certain to be achieved. B is likely to be achieved. If cryptomarket continues to drop, D is certain to be achieved because of our stables. The only isolated team dependent objective is C – which is not measurable. Bonus should be awarded for things we have accomplished – not what the external market accomplishes for us. The goals are only a challenge if they need to be met in unison. Otherwise its basically free payout.
Bonus amounts
Max bonus = $540.000 ? Paid and measured in USD? No man, come on. Be serious. If you believe in Olympus you own a decent and big stack of OHM. Thats how you get your bonus. Ideally vesting like most other projects to align long-term. Contractually paid half a million in USD? Seriously. Come on. Dont work for Olympus if you don’t want to align your gainz together with the community. No fat cat elite lane of getting fat USD bonus checks please. I sickening myself as I write. Half a million. In income. Look in the mirror! We the community are the ones who have paid up to create your funds, enable your salaries and the Treasury. Many lost almost everything. Is everyone getting paid by the DAO, or how do you get your OIP’s through.. I don’t get it and I don’t even vote anymore, cuz big wallets just crush votes if needed anyway. On chain governance – how is that gonna help to thwart corruption.
Compensation payouts
The payouts from the DAO are extremely difficult to track on-chain. It is as if the DAO is intentionally trying to obfuscate them. Please change to on-chain transparency in payouts. We should be able to follow on-chain the money and see how these funds are managed and possibly impacting user and market behavior including impact on OHM price. Be transparent. Be responsible. Have integrity.
I like the structure you have presented here, but work needs to be done on the content. I will thus vote no on this RFC on basis of content. Structure is excellent.
Thank you for reading.