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Execute an OTC deal between the DAO funds of OlympusDAO and Incooom Finance. This would result in OlympusDAO receiving 111 ETH and Incooom Finance acquiring 815 OHM in return.
The Olympus DAO treasury currently holds $185m in OHM. These funds are used to compensate contributors in the DAO and pay for expenses that are incurred.
More and more we run into the issue where we must pay for services in either stables, major crypto assets or even fiat. Because the DAO only holds OHM, this would mean that we would have to sell this OHM to acquire these assets which is both not ideal and adds a lot of overhead.
A prime example is the upcoming audit with Runtime Verification for which we need 105,000 USD in stablecoins or ETH to pay for their services. Up until now, some DAO members have fronted these expenses and have gotten compensated in OHM afterwards but again, this is not a sustainable solution.
Incooom Finance is a protocol that aims to merge NFT culture and decentralized finance in a symbiotic asset that strengthens community and creates win-win-win strategies. As part of their genesis offering, INCOOOM will be utilizing OHM to execute a staked vaulted strategy. Check them out at https://opensea.io/collection/incooom
They have recently launched and are looking to acquire OHM with the ETH they have raised. We believe this could be an excellent situation where we would acquire 111 ETH which can be for services mentioned above and can be seen as a responsible way to diversify the DAO treasury.
OlympusDAO will acquire 111 ETH in exchange for 815 OHM going to Incooom Finance. The exchange rate has been derived from the 24h MA on the 16th of September, 22 UTC.
Due to the relatively ‘low‘ amounts ( 0.2% of total DAO treasury) we will hold an informal vote on the forum. A majority vote of >80% will suffice to execute the swap after this informal vote. In case this is not reached, we will move to snapshot voting.
Yes: Execute OTC deal at set terms
No: Don’t execute OTC deal