Hello there.
I very much agree with the rgOHM idea you mentioned.
I see a lot of similarities between your post and a recent mega (50 post) thread that I posted on Twitter (about KLIMA and OHM both).
It was (quite serendipitously) posted sandwiched around Zeus’ post directing people here. However, it was also written without knowledge of the “internal” bonds and other mechanisms Zeus mentioned.
I think we both have spent a lot of time thinking about this topic. Cheers, and I am glad to have run into you out here.
I’d humbly ask you to read through my post and give me any feedback or share your thoughts. I also wrote and extrapolated a bit in the forums here.
I think illiquid staking is almost necessary, and I’d love feedback specific to that if you have any. Vested rgOHM would achieve this too.
link to thread: