Hey there! I posted the following message in the DAO work server back in early November 2021:
"Hey guys, was thinking a bit last night about bonds being great for one to purchase OHM at a discount and allowing the DAO to own it’s liquidity. What if we had an “inverse bond” (name TBD lol) mechanism to reduce selling pressure during high-sell action periods? Something along the lines of: instead of selling OHM on the open market, person A can purchase an “inverse bond” to sell their OHM (or sOHM) at a premium to the DAO, over a vesting period of X days. During times where there is less sell action, the premium would be low/zero (or negative) to disincentivize people just selling at a premium frivolously, however during periods of high sell action, the inverse bonds would offer a higher premium and be better than selling on the open market with a trade-off of a vesting period to prevent large drop-offs and hopefully stabilize during period of uncertainty."
I'd love to know if my post inspired this? In the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter since we all want the same thing; OHM to succeed. But its nice to be recognized for an idea and to be able to point at something and say I did/inspired that y'know? I saved a link to the discord post (and have the original Word doc I wrote it up in before posting) but unfortunately it seems like the channel I posted it in was deleted or archived maybe .
Needless to say, 110% support this idea :d. Keep up the great work in the policy team, we'll make it through this downturn no doubt.