Wukong Regarding your observation :
Nations print money in economic downturns (Quantative Easing [QE]) to fund recover programmes and stimulus packages. Olympus doesn't have the capacity to bail out the whole DeFi ecosystem and is still in its bootstrapping stage.
Therefore, Olympus is focused on protecting itself, so it can continue to bootstrap once markets stabilise.
However, programmes such as Thecosomata (allowing REDACTED CARTEL to use incur debt to borrow OHM) function much like stimulus deals. Once/if Olympus can become an e.g. top 10 TVL project, it'll be able to use it's reserves to effectively function as a reserve currency that arbitrary projects would choose to submit themselves too.
See this as a minor hiccup on the road to success. If Olympus can grow it's treasury in a sideways market, it WILL be the reserve asset of DeFi come next bull run