Hello @tex, thank you for detailing this RFC and it was a joy to read. A quick shoutout to @Dropkickdarren for plugging this RFC in various channels to recruit more comments.
After reading the RFC, here are my comments:
- Council vs Stratego vote: While it's clear that the council will decide the 'what' and Strategos will carry out the 'how,' I want to know if there are any systems in place where the two parties end in a deadlock: Council says yes, Stratego says no. I think such a procedure should be included in the proposal, just like Zeus's role has been indicated as a tie-breaker in council decisions.
- 6-month check: It felt off to me that the judgement of the success of a team comprised of council members is being delegated to council members and strategos. I believe that DAO contributors at large (175-200 of them as per the Data Studio) should be the adjudicators.
- Election process: While I understand that one of the aims of the working group is to:
tex Specify a process by which future Council members can be selected directly by the DAO community.
I would feel better if this responsibility was delegated to one council member at least, in explicit fashion. If this fails to happen, I would not like to see a deferral of responsibility.
Other suggestions to improve contributor experience
From a contributor's perspective, here are some of the end-results I would love to see. I hope this helps the council decide upon the 'what' and the strategos in preemptively figuring out the 'how':
- Timely comp rollout: Nothing like knowing that comp has arrived within the first 1-3 days of the month
- Cross-chain comp rollout: gOHM has gone cross-chain and I see little reason to not strive towards comp going cross-chain as well.
- Inclusion in exploration: It's something I have seen happen in various departments. It's announced that an idea is being explored but then the communication doesn't go beyond that for the contributor. The contributor is informed about the final decision and is expected to help in its implementation. I would say that if the council and strategos start to explore a topic, it should be mandatory for the strategy to keep their team in the loop and represent their voice if the working group wishes to be heard over a particular matter.
- Crashable meetings: I think that besides meetings and channels where secrecy is mandatory, channels shouldn't be as gated as they are currently in the DAO. Our departments feel very isolated and I would love to see contributors sometimes hopping into meetings. I am happy to say that our contributors are wise enough to not chime in unnecessarily when something doesn't concern them or they don't know enough about it, but simply being able to read other people's messages and hear their thought process really makes one feel like they're a part of something larger than their department.
I might add more points here if I recall something. Thank you for your patience!