
  • Dec 27, 2023
  • Joined Mar 8, 2023
  • Departure into the unknown - with 200m at stake.

    The recent activity in the forum and discord servers clearly shows that individual parties have different perceptions of the current state of OHM. We all should take a step back and look at the big picture. Olympus is in the unique position of owning one of the biggest treasuries in the entire crypto space. Unlike others, our treasury is not full of the protocol native token but hard US-Dollars and Ethereum. The odds of any other project ever owning such a big treasury again are very very unlikely, therefore we should treat it that way. With caution and principle protection as the number one concern. A treasury should NOT be treated as one's own personal portfolio, and any allocation to volatile assets above 25% with 200m at stake is absurd in my opinion.

    Whatever will cause the next bull run does not require $200m in initial funding. I love all the innovative ideas that people bring up on the forum, including Cooler Loans, and this one. A DeFi native currency fully backed by ETH is a super exciting experiment but in my opinion that should be run like a startup. We don't know if there is an actual product market fit why risk 200m when we could create a spin-out, raise 5m dollars, or use $5m from the treasury to run this experiment? I think that would be a much more reasonable approach to any major shift that people wish would happen to OHM. Risking this once-in-a-lifetime size of a treasury would be detrimental to the long-term future and the possibilities that might come up, which we don't know about yet. 

    • yettywapp

      With only a single audit depositing 5mm is seriously not appropriate no matter what other proposal or currently ongoing. For example, look at the Morpho TAP, they have the most audits, tons of TVL, and are considered extremely secure - even there we proposed a 500k deployment.

      Besides that, I want to make sure that: This is not the stance of the DAO, it's my personal opinion.

      Also, meanwhile, cooler loans is undergoing a second audit to further strengthen the contract.

      My recommendation stays: To decrease deployment to 500k and increase if there is sufficient demand to a maximum of 1mm to keep the treasury exposure at a conservative 0.5% of the treasury.

    • As pointed out by @citizen_wayne in the RFC

      With only having a single Audit from Zellic and the protocol being relatively new (esp. Vendor V2) this does not offer sufficient security measures for a 5 million dollar deployment. Additionally, vendor V2 also never held a significant size in TVL.

      5mm is definitely not appropriate for this proposal.


      An initial deployment with 500k is much more appropriate which could be gradually increased as Vendor proves its test of time.

      Personally, I will not approve this proposal in this shape, everyone else is of course free to make up their own mind.

      • This proposal essentially enables everyone to access the treasury backing for 0.5% interest per year. (Basically for free, given the risk free rate in DeFi is now at 3.3%)

        Depending on the loan to value ratio this could create a protocol wide level leverage which would be very unhealthy as you:

        Take out a loan from the treasury against OHM which is backed by the treasury, so essentially you could be treasury swapping (with 5.05% slippage @95% LTV) your OHM back to DAI. (in case you dont pay back the loan)

        From a macro risk management perspective this does make a lot of sense as this the only way to be truly decentralized and uncensorable.

        That being said, i think its super capital inefficient converting the entire treasury to dai and just let it sit inside the new protocol. I would rather see us apply a similar strategy as with RBS, where we provide a certain runway of available liquidity which we will continuously stock up as more people take out their loans. For example, provide an initial 75m DAI and see how the demand is.

        To be recognized as an uncensorable & decentralized reserve currency it is necessary to have low interest rates but 0.5% feels too low, even 1$ - 2% interest would be very attractive. Additionally, i would keep the LTV rather conservative at 85%.

        Olympus is right in the heart of DeFi and the next bull cycle will come eventually, the DAO has connections to every protocol imaginable and we will be for sure somehow involved in the next innovation that makes the DeFi market go 10x again. That being said, we obviously do not require multiple hundred million dollars to take advantage of it.

        Even if we "only" keep an active treasury of 15m - 50m it can still bring significant value to the overall protocol for example with the ongoing expansion of OHM integrations into various exchanges on various chains (ramses, chronos, aura..) and the bribing activity that comes along with that or liquidity providing activities into protocols like Morpho.

        • 0xEvan I agree with Rewlyn assessment here.

          Regarding your third point, I wanted to mention that this is not about proactively bribing random/small exchanges.

          We want exchanges to reach out to us, and propose a partnership that benefits both parties.

          We already have one in the pipeline, which will give us a nice chunk of their ve(3,3) supply so we can direct liquidity to our own OHM pools. In order for an ecosystem to flourish, it needs liquidity flow from both sides. So we are looking to participate in the respective ecosystem with small bribes.

        • streetjesus Morpho only aggregates AAVE liquidity, there is no way to list $OHM on Morpho.

          This is simply about deploying an initial 500k DAI into Morpho to earn extra yield. 🙂

        • thomasscovell

          Completely agree with your assessment, this is more an opportunistic TAP since we have smaller exchanges reaching out to list OHM. There are no concrete plans to do bribing or incentives activities on the scale as we are running them on Mainnet. We are more talking in the range of 500-2500$ per week experiments in bribes, where we will earn back most of the money anyway, so it has close to no impact on the treasury, but it will still create very attractive opportunities for all Ohmies.

          Since there are no clear major opportunities that we would deploy larger sized bribes to, its hard to quantify specific numbers that we are trying to achieve here regarding your request.

          • Summary

            To support the cross-chain growth of OHM liquidity and, by extension, new use cases, establish an ongoing incentives budget that can be used to experiment with incentivizing liquidity on the various DEXes and staking layers on Arbitrum. This budget will be capped at $50k/week.


            TAP-15 permitted Olympus DAO to explore the use of Hidden Hand incentives as a means to boost voting power to its LP Gauges. TAP-23 formalized this approach, increased the allocated budget, and extended these incentives to multiple Aura and Balancer markets.

            The results so far have been favorable, and Olympus has seen several million in TVL added across its incentivized pools.  On average, Treasury has seen around a 5-15% return, with margin largely being impacted by the decrease in BAL and AURA prices. Even still, incentives have proven an effective means to accumulate liquidity in a cost effective way. 


            On Mainnet, the liquidity incentives are both good to attract liquidity as well as to increase the protocol’s voting power (by accruing more strategic assets). On Arbitrum, the considerations are slightly different. 

            Perhaps most importantly, Arbitrum POL is not as deep as mainnet since the protocol needs very deep liquidity on Mainnet in order to run RBS, whereas on Arbitrum this is not a direct concern. The protocol will not be able to offer the same level of deep liquidity on all chains without reducing POL on mainnet. A way around this is for the protocol to offer a guaranteed base layer of liquidity through POL and extend that with third party liquidity, which is created either through incentives, voting power, or more novel solutions like the recently launched BLV.

            It’s important to note that as more OHM finds its way to Arbitrum and as the number of integrations and use cases expand, there will be a need for more liquidity to, for example, support effective liquidations in lending markets. 


            As such, the Treasury Team requests community approval to create a budget specifically to experiment with liquidity incentives on Arbitrum and to support the creation of more third party OHM liquidity. This budget will be capped at $50k/week. Initially, it is likely that only a fraction of the budget will be tapped. 

            Considering the number and variety of DEXes and staking layers on Arbitrum this TAP is not limited to selected venues, but instead offers the flexibility to experiment with various platforms in order to find the most optimal solution to create third party OHM liquidity.

            The list of potential assets used to incentivize will include:

            • OHM

            • USDC

            • DAI

            • FRAX

            • ARB (Preferred)

            OHM utilized will either come from OHM already owned by the Treasury or minted specifically for this purpose.

          • Im in full agreement with Relwyns assessment.

            LUSD/WETH pool does not bring significant benefit to our treasury comp.

            A LUSD/WETH/OHM pool on the contrary could be very interesting, not only in terms of being able to offer a "decentralized" pool where all assets have this common characteristic. But also this might be useful for better pricing of LUSD. LUSD is constantly over-peg and maybe more arbitrage opportunities can somehow support better pricing.

            That being said we are always on the hunt to acquire more LUSD when prices are favourable. We love everything that Liquity team has build so far and looking for further collaboration 🙂

          • nic thank you for your thoughts and questions!

            Regarding rebalances & and new allocations:

            Part of the treasury strategy are the "Asset Deployment Applications" where protocols can apply for funds to be allocated with them. These applications with go through a risk assessment by the treasury and the entire DAO. To make an educated decision there will be several factor impacting it. For example:

            • Smart-Contracts -> Depending on the amount of changes in the code a discount coefficient will be applied. (Whether its forked code or completely novel)
            • Time since Mainnet deployment
            • Quality and quantity of audits
            • Seniority of Dev-Team
            • Governance (Timelocks)
            • Oracle risks

            Regarding acquiring new assets for the balance sheet of Olympus:

            Depending on the circumstances this might not only be in realm of the treasury team, partnerships and strategy will probably lead any discussion in this area. But if its about acquiring more $AURA to further develop a yield generating strategy, we will always have proposal up on the forum explaining our reasons and getting further input from the community.

            That being said, we encourage every Ohmie out there to give us their input, we value it a lot and if you think an asset is interesting or a great fit for Olympus please raise you voices!

            Regarding run rate support, I'm not sure about that this is out of my domain, I'm just here to generate yields 😃