
  • Mar 7, 2024
  • Joined Aug 24, 2022
  • It sounds nice to have Olympus data spread through their connections, however the proposal Messari wrote feels very much like a copy and pasted L1 proposal - it references analyzing nodes, transaction cost, b2b services, NFT’s etc.

    I would like to see Messari commit to analyze more pertinent metrics like backing, volatility, LP comparisons (e.g. ethdai vs ethohm), RBS, and cooler loans before considering these costly reports.

  • Great proposal. Im glad to see this proposal will increase exposure to more decentralized assets. Finding the best balance of treasury assets over time will continue to be difficult, but I’m happy with where this has landed. 

  • I like it. It will be beneficial to have governance influence in Balancer, as the majority of our liquidity is there.

  • This statement is also confusing me:

    By focusing solely on the Olympus Econohmy, Econohmic Labs is asking the community for matching funds dollar for dollar based on our outside capital raised. By the Olympus community betting on Econohmic Labs, outside capital will be more comfortable making the bet themselves.

    Can you clarify this request? It sounds like you're asking for Olympus to match the funding you raised, but it is not mentioned under the "Asks."