
  • 2 Feb
  • Joined Oct 29, 2021
  • Interesting proposal, but a few points come to mind:

    • How long will be the vesting period for the inverse bonds?

    • How much of the inverse bonds will be offered? In case of a sold out bond, they cause more psychologic sell pressure for ohm.

    • The pricing of inverse bonds should be always below backing per ohm to ensure a net positive outcome for the protocol. But with the backing consists of non-stables, it can fluctuate below the already offered bond price in the volatile conditions. This should be carefully taking care of for in the bond mechanism.

    • Direct bonds price can fall below backing and with the existence of inverse bonds, more arbitrage opportunities will be created. It’s not necessarily a bad thing but shifts the focus more away from the holding incentives and (3,3).


  • Does DAO vote before allowing each new protocol into the incubator?