
  • Apr 20, 2022
  • Joined Dec 14, 2021
  • Numiasma Anyone can publish to snapshot and there is no ability to require endorsements of anything similar.

  • pizzaking69 Thanks for the feedback.

    2 points. Firstly, we have the forum here to discuss proposals before they reach snapshot, snapshot doesn't actually allow debate, only voting. So in terms of the notion that we would be 'silencing debate', it might actually encourage people with these low effort proposals that make it to snapshot, to first post them in the forum. Secondly, as mentioned in the post, Snapshot is meant to be used for binding votes on formal OIP proposals. Anyone can make an OIP but it must follow the correct workflow ie. forum discussion then move to snapshot. As mentioned earlier by Alinor, a minimum would be unlikely to stop any valid proposals from going to snapshot. Any decent proposal need only find a single backer with the minimum amount of Ohm to submit it to snapshot - I would argue that if no one with the minimum required amount of Ohm is willing to back a proposal then that proposal is highly unlikely to pass in snapshot anyway.

    The overall goal here is to make it easier not harder for users to engage in governance. Spammy snapshot proposals make it harder for users to identify what proposals actually deserve their attention and require their votes.

    I appreciate your thoughts, just thought I'd add some rebuttal.

    • The Olympus DAO Snapshot is filled with low quality proposals that don't meet the guidelines for binding Olympus DAO proposals. These proposals make it hard for those legitimately engaging in governance to filter out valid proposals from the low quality proposals that would not be considered binding. We should set a minimum amount of (s)Ohm required to be able to make proposals.

      Note: I'm using (s)Ohm to refer to staked and unstaked Ohm. But I'll only use Ohm from here on out. The minimum would also apply to the OHM-DAI SLP.

      I suggest 10 Ohm as a starting point. Because Snapshot governance is primarily used for approving OIP's, and should be used for OIP's that have first been proposed on the forum in the valid format, it should not pose a significant challenge if many individuals who engage with DAO governance don't have enough Ohm to make a proposal themselves. For the valid proposals, individuals with enough Ohm can propose directly, or a core team member of Olympus DAO should be tagged within the forum post along with a request to elevate the forum post to a Snapshot vote. Something likeā€¦

      @Jawesome Based on positive initial feedback, and continued discussion, I'm requesting that we move to a Snapshot vote on this OIP.

      A minimum required Ohm holding to make Snapshot proposals will improve the quality of the snapshot governance experience for all Ohmies. It will make it easier to find proposals that actually need your vote, and help to remove proposals that are made by spammers or individuals not following the OIP process. In practice, I think we should eventually aim for a higher minimum holding like 100 Ohm, as I don't think a minimum like this would prevent any OIPs from making it onto Snapshot, but it should provide a strong defense against spam proposals.

      Open for initial discussion, and in a few days I will add a poll to this post to gain some initial signal around a desired minimum Ohm amount.

      WAGMI Ohmies - MetaHayek.eth